Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Kodama's original heightmap
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I found it on File Front! I went their looking for Giskard's latest mod releases. The link to the esp is:

I have a feeling the only thing it is good for is figuring out what goes where in terms of towns and stuff. This was built by Kodama before we knew about the problems with heightmapping and avoiding any connection with Vanilla while doing it.

DA was kind enough to explain why it wasn't working. I did sticky a resources thread with links to his tutorial here at Silgrad Tower.
THanks for the find. I had a quick look in the CS and figured out this island is bigger than cyrodiil. Hence it probably isnt practical for development. Anyway, i took some pics on the heightmap and the regions he made:
[Image: kodamaheightmap.jpg]
[Image: kodamaregions.jpg]
True, we won't be able to make something that big, but that wouldn't stop us using some parts of it for later development. It would still be faster than remaking regions in their entirety.

I guess we could simply region gen the rest and leave it at that, leaving it as a vast wilderness for players to explore. Or for other modders to add their own contributions into later - a big blank slate for later mods to be built on.


My idea was that rather than making ALL of Akavir, which is likely impossible due to time and work constraints, we instead do a "whistle-stop tour" of the continent, allowing players to visit important locations and get a taste of the place. That in itself would be an ambitious mod, and plenty enough for us, I think.
I agree with both of you on this. I think the idea of making the whole continent, while a wonderful one, was just too big. But we can do a "whistle-stop" tour ala Deeza's suggestion.

Thank you so much for taking the pics exilehunter, that is exactly what we need for a focus for future development once we get this island mod done.