Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Is the Tsaesci temple based on the Etemenanki?

Anyway, speaking of architecture, if you ever consider making anything for the Kamal, my idea would be Mongolian architecture built in ice or something similar.
A mix of Japanese and Mayan would be very cool indeed (but NO Japanese rooftops Tongue )
I can makes some clutter and statues i think, but i have no idea if i can make weapons with ZBrush/ Sketchup…
Also an RL (real-life) friend is going to join the team… he’s very good in sketchup and has Zbrush too. I told him about the project/races/cultures/etc. and he was interested. We’re both writing THE STORY (main quest, etc.)
He’s willing to make Kamal building and has already made a big temple (like one in Nepal)

@MarcusAurelio yes the Tsaesci architecture is inspired by Maya temples and Ziggurats. I even managed to get my hands on a prefect digital version of the famous “Ziggurat of Ur”

PS and off-topic: CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN ME HOW TO MAKE SCREENSHOTS IN ZBRUSH? (i did research but found nothing!)
Is there some kind of "extrnal screenshot machine"? Something that makes a picture when you press printscreen or something like that. Can you convert "print-screened" pictures in a word doc to a REAL picture file?
I presume the nepal-style temple will be for the Ka Po Tun?
to take a screenshot, simply press prnt srn, then paste it into any image editing program (photoshop, MS photo editor, even MS Paint). crop it down to size and save it, viola.
@ Deeza: I think Kamal would fit better, but i'm not "da boss" so i can't decide, it's his model and it's THE WHOLE team's decision
(i think Ka Po should get the Tasj Mahal and other Indian buildings Wink )

@LN: I downloaded "image pilot" that works fine. Thanks anyway :goodjob:
Impressive work!

Correct me if I'm wrong but meshes can be simple (of course not too much Wink ) and more details can be dome with good textures + normal mapping, right?
Incidentally, I think the Taj Mahal is actually a piece of arabic architecture, not indian (it was built in the arabic style by the Moghul dynasty). It's a bit of an exception I think. You might want to look at older stuff for more typically indian buildings.

I look forward to seeing more new ideas!
I like all the ideas I'm seeing here. We should be able to come to a team consensus on what specifically fits best where.
Quote:Originally posted by Deeza
Incidentally, I think the Taj Mahal is actually a piece of arabic architecture, not indian (it was built in the arabic style by the Moghul dynasty). It's a bit of an exception I think. You might want to look at older stuff for more typically indian buildings.

I didn't know that! It looks Arabic indeed...
Okay, then we use Arabic architecture for Ka Po Big Grin
I'll do some research on Indian buildings, i'll see what i can find
If Indian architecture's what you're looking for, you might as well look up Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.
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