Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Missing Icon Textures
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Someone put the textures for a few things in a folder called EV
I checked all my directories and couldn't find it anywhere...
There's also a folder called UnrepentantArcher but it doesn't exist either

here are the items:




should I go ahead and make new icons for the stuff or can someone provide me with them?
I swear everything kingevil did has come back to bite me in the bum. :bash:

I must have overlooked these when construction version 3.1. Will fix this for Version 3.2
so do I go ahead and make some new ones?

Concerning Icon backgrounds...they're all black
shouldn't they be that tan-ish color?
unless you have a mod that makes your inventory background black....

well, I went ahead and made them all, as well as making all the old ones tan-ish
here is it...
that black is flagged as transparent, it should'nt show up in game. sometimes it shows a little bit of a dark border around the object icon, but i've not the foggiest of how to fix it.

you can go along and create new icons if you'd like but put them in

instead of

I missed these when i was repathing all the files for more consistency thanks for letting me know.

Also if you're making new meshes/textures or whatever make sure you read the file structure threads in the related sub-forums.
ok well the black was showing up for me...
so i changed it anyways -.-
ta dude.
* Wizjany sulks off in search for more work


i forgot the last two icons!! *.*
will be done in ~5 minutes
cheers buddy
remember to check out the to do list on the main elsweyr page and see what you can help with
Wizjany's Law:
If you ever expect to finish something in one sitting, you will be interrupted and will have to finish later.

...needs to be worded better, but the point comes through...

edit: this is included with my king's walk stuff and is also out of not use this one
Ra'Kha-Do Ruins, south of King's Walk
Was this issue ever fixed?
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