Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Chuck Norris in Oblivion
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Has anyone seen this utube video. Someone was extremely bored. But I have to say it is brilliant!! lol

It does have some adult language. It is worth watching through IMO Smile.

Very, very entertaining. I was expecting something very 'yawnsome' but he really knows his cheesy TV stuff and executes all the anims and stuff brilliantly.
Yes IG, I was thinking the same thing!! That is a great word for it to 'entertaining' :goodjob:

It said epsode 7, I wonder if he intends on an epsode 8 or it was just part of the mod.

edit: epsode 8 hehe.

Ep 7 was a howl! I especially liked Saget the Sacker of Nuts. Smile Ep 8 was still pretty good; now we need 9. Tongue
Ya steve the nutsack hits were imaginative and real funny. I like how they rag each other back and forth too Smile

edit: Episode 9 trailer
You see a lot of youtube videos like this which are absolute mind-rotting shit. I particularly hate it whenever I hear some pre-pubescent so-called 'metal' band yowling right at the start but this is really good. It's very tongue-in-cheek and comes across as a parody of the old 70's-style TV programmes with partnerships at the centre of them....very daft but a really nice find! :goodjob:
Yeah,Chuck Norris Forever!!He's the best! :bananarock:
Chuck Norris has no chin, under the beard is only another fist.

[Image: chuck-norris.jpg]
Yeah Family guy!! Big Grin
Episode 9

The graphics are less than previous but the humor is still there. Smile
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