Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I think I've asked this question before but could someone let me know how I use a .dds file so that I can set it up in the CS as a land texture?

There it says:

"Land textures are the graphic images that can be placed on landscape squares. There is also data relating to Havok physics, sound, and other game properties. To create a new landscape texture, press the Insert key, or right-click and choose New from within the LandTexture section of the Miscellaneous tab in the Object Window. Double left-click on any reference in the LandTexture tab to open its base reference window. Press the Add Image File button in the window to choose a texture to load as the landscape texture. A preview thumbnail image of the texture will then be displayed below the button.

* ID Type in the name of the reference ID that will be used for the particular landscape texture.

* Havok Data This section allows you to choose the sound type for the selected landscape texture from the Material Type dialogue, as well as the Friction and Restitution Havok settings.

* Texture Specular Exponent This setting is currently unsupported.

* Potential Grass Use this dialogue to drag in grass objects from the Object Window to be displayed on this particular landscape texture. The grass objects are listed in order of priority from top (highest) to bottom (lowest). To alter the hierarchy order, use the << and >> buttons below the grass listings.

* OK This button accepts any changes and closes the LandTexture dialogue.

* Cancel This button discards any changes and closes the LandTexture dialogue."
make sure to dump it in the Textures\Landscape folder
Thanks, guys! :goodjob:

If I go all idiotic on you later and end up asking the same question then it's because I've started doing something else and forgotten where the solution was. It probably won't happen but this post is just to remind me to look here.
That little bit of guidance might well have solved a lot of problems as I realise now why I constantly have a purplish land texture for one of the main settlements for Black Marsh.....the .dds file for a landscape texture that was obviously used during modding is completely missing....doh!
Thanks for your help earlier with this but now I have a new problem. Although I managed to re-texture the settlement that was causing the problem, I now have the old 'blocky texture' error. It was fine when I was working on the area but now the docklands (and a few other areas) look like this (see attached). I definitely have not exceeded the maximum number of texture on display inside the quads (9 is the maximum, I think) because most cells have a total of 3 textures being used. So what is causing it? This only appeared once I had re-loaded the cell after a break in modding.