Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: PLRI0112 "Stonewastes LC House" (Completed)
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Official 'Black Marsh' Interior Claim: Zajeen's House


Zajeen's House
AVAILABILITY: Completed by Ibsen's Ghost


[Image: TESConstructionSet2009-03-1119-37-0.jpg]
[Image: TESConstructionSet2009-03-1119-37-2.jpg]


Description & Details


Stonewastes is an average Argonian working class town that has become prosperous due to the fishing trade. Unlike nearby Rockguard however, which provides much of the more Cyrodiil-like foods for Argonia, it has never quite blended with non-Argonians so there remains a degree of animosity towards Imperials and Dunmer, especially.

It is a bustling town though and ably defended by large rocks and a tight cluster of trees that mark it out more as a Blackwood town than its native Parchlands suggests. It also lies very close to the Everglades and, in past history, was perfectly positioned to aid rebels that might sting any raiders to the Black Marshes and then retreat back into the waters.

This interior claim contains the home of Zajeen, a master fisherman who is equally at home in a boat or in the water. In the fishing competitions of the town, Zajeen's partnership with Tekeen is a formidable one although he may well have reservations about his partner's methods as they have been accused of cheating after Tekeen was suspected of using magic.

Zajeen's home should be very basic and very Argonian. He is a very down-to-earth, honest character who prides himself on his reputation. Therefore, he will certainly have a lot of fishing-related items in his home and perhaps show evidence of messy eating habits but not a great deal else besides. Some items of furniture may even be knocked over or casually tossed aside as he spends most of his time out on the docks. He is unlikely to feature in a great many quests other than as a point of information about the watery Everglades.


At-a-glance Details


Interior Name:0BMTLStonewastesHouse12
Region: Parchlands
Settlement: Stonewastes
Architecture: Lower Class Stonewastes interior
Exterior cell coordinates: (-17,-05)
Claim Size & Difficulty: Easy.
Inhabitants: Zajeen stands outside.
Mission Connections: None as yet.
NPCs: 1. The NPC must have (full) dialogue and AI. Don't forget the pathgrid for them. The NPC is already named but you may change the name if necessary, so please discuss this and other details in the claims discussion thread ('General Info' below).
General Info: Please keep up to date on associated topics in the: Claims Discussion Forums .


How to mod your interior

Interior modding carries with it the same responsibilities as it does on our father project, Silgrad Tower. This means that there will need to be NPCs, Containers, Lighting etc. For a really nice checklist that is very, very thorough, try this one from Zurke: A handy checklist to create an interior for ST . Zurke is the most experienced and prolific interior modder I know of so it's all good advice.


Cluttering your Interior

Please try to use the BM objects as much as possible. Try to consider the story behind the owner of the house (which you may adapt unless stated) and add clutter as appropriate to them, including foodstuffs, flora, cutlery, paintings, tribal items and maybe some of the custom furniture. All interiors are likely to have bedding of some sort but if you setting up a store then you might to consider a suitable desk.

Please remember to light the area. Argonian or Imperial lighting can be used. If you have any further suggestions, requests for models and so on then please consult this thread: Furnitures & Clutters . At the time of writing, some of the older items have not be re-added to the archive (such as potions, wineskin, skull, flask and decanter) so please ask if you need extra models of this sort.

Have fun! :goodjob:
I'm working on this one....very fishy =).
Looking cool IG!
I like the fishes.

Okay, I think I'm done with this now, except of course for the AI and pathing (still need to learn how to do that).

You will see pics of:
  • a new small item I made that I might end up setting up as a quest object for thieves that might want to steal it - Zajeen's Golden Fish Trophy inside one of the fancy SI containers.
  • Koniption's nets used as old fishing nets to hang from the rafters and keep things like fruit and fishing spears in.
  • Dead slaughterfish hanging from the rafters with a chum bucket below to catch the dripping fish-guts in (yummy!).
I sorted out the extreme darkness of this claim, checked out the new normal maps and added a few things like the fisherman's trophy.