Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [WIP] ShadowScale Quest Line
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??? :eek: ???

Isn't IS doing the Shadowscales?
He is? Why did I think it was you???
Must be a mix-up. The OP is quite clear: [WIP] ShadowScale Quest Line . I'm sure IS would consider sharing it if someone wishes to take part...and ideas are always welcome, of course.
Indeed I don't mind, if you wanna help then that's great Big Grin.
Ok, first off yes, the shadowscale is a birth right thing so........they still believe in the Night Mother right? So what if the Night Mother visits you in a dream and tells you to investigate the Shadowscale as she has been informed there is a Morag Tong spy in the shadowscale trying to bring down the Shadows and Brotherhood from the inside. And she loves her children to much to kill them all as Lucien had ordered you to so you must enter into there society to find out who it is. (this can only be done once DB quests ar done
At first the Shadows do not like you and do not trust you so thy give you tests like kill this person without being detected or kill them all in the same room without none of them realizing it (a test of speed) after a while they like you more and more until they let you into the sanctuaries or as they call them: Sacred Training Grounds or STG's.
There you begin to conduct your search like following the shadows around and see there schedule. But none of them are the culprit. You report to the night mother and she tells you too check again.
So you do so (I know boring up until here! But wait) and find something. It isn't a Morag Tong spy your looking for, its not even a spy your looking for. It is acctually just a stand alone person who had there realitive killed by a Shadow. You talk to the person and they say they will come stop there snooping around and their plotting. You are then sent by the head of that STG to assassinate a group of people of whom are also trying to bring the Shadows down for vengence reasons and it is alot of Argonians.
When you return you find the leader of the STG standing in a pool of blood wit the bodies of the fellow Shadows all around the room.
Here is the dialouge:
"Oh! Your back I see. How was your trip? Fun? You had no suspicion of me being the spy, did you now? It makes sense, does it not? I gain everyone's trust and then I tell them Sithis spoke unto me and said this STG needs to start a fresh. What a load of gullible reptiles. I had so much fun! Now I have brought down the shadows, I must answer this question: 'What do I do with you?'"
You can then only say: What about the other STG's?
"Oh! You were already doing that for me! Ha ha ha! You killed all the other members. This year was perfect. The Argonian birth rate went down so half of the number of usual Shadows aren't here! Now with no one to lead them and train them, There re no more shadows. After your heads on a plate I'll take down the Brotherhood, the the Hands, then...... I'll destroy the statue of Lady Luck in Bravil! And all the Sithis offspring will be dead!"
You can then say either: Never! My life for Sithis! You will never get away with this! OR: I am interested in this plan. I would love to join you.
The second one is clearly a trap for the guy. But the first one makes him run down into the STG's caverns and it takes for ever! and he says: You killed 47 right? That's 47 ghosts of Sithis!" and then they all come at you.
If you choose the second one he wants you to take him to the nearest Sanctuary which Cheydinhal but it has only one member. That guy that asks you if he can follow you. So you pray to Sithis and he says that you have been forgiven and that you are to kill the spy as soon as his back is turned.
Fast tarvel to Cheydinhal Sanctuary and you fire at the spy when he enters the Sanctuary. Now this will weaken him alot! But he is still very strong and after his health reaches 20 he runs for the exit and goes outside. Now he will go into each house and kill all the NPCs there. But you find him and kill him soon enough. Youa re rewarded and that is the Shadowscale quest
Poorly written and uninteresting. This quest line requires much more proper treatment.
To be fair, we do require any new ideas to have grasped the earlier ideas outlined previously. Plus you would have to be a member of the team in order to have questlines considered for use in the mod, bearing in mind that actual quest-making skills are an absolute must together with, preferably, some experience and past history of modding.

Questing is actually very complex and therefore the writing must be absolutely clear, have fully grasped all of the lore associated with the questline and, most importantly, be aware of the project's aims as a whole so that it can be woven neatly into the world being created.

Don't mistake me for having said, "go away" as we always welcome contributions but you need to be aware of these things...and Xae is critical because he's keen on real quality...which is hard earned.
thanks it makes me feel as if i was heard! I'd rather be criticized for something that was read! I sent some ideas too BETHESDA and I never got a reply even like a "Thanks for the effort but no sorry". And I have FAR better ideas in my bank
Although Xae may have been a little blunt - to put it mildly - he does speak from a very deep understanding of the subject. I heartily recommend you read Xae's Guide to QuestWriting as a masterclass.
I've always liked the idea of Shadowscales and my favorite playable characters have always been Argonians born under the Shadow. I've spend hours and hours modding in all kinds of non-quest storylines into my version of the game and I've got some experience doing so.
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