Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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While reading the ST BSA's installation steps, I learned in dismay that I can't use any Shivering Isles content because ST isn't dependant on it, while I don't intend to argue on that, I must say that it is, on my opinion, a very bad decision, since SI contains a big lot of swampy statics and alot of weathered items that suit best for a "Morrowindesque" atmosphere. Most of the plants, trees, even the rocks, specially form the Dementia side really resembled Morrowind to me, not to say the aurora boreal all over the skies, even the beasts, such as the hunger. I was really expecting to have these at my disposal when I started to mod Confused

Nevermind, so please, I would like to know if I'm allowed to just extract SI Items from the official BSA's and create them as new STxx items in order to use them on the mod, or what it would imply to do so.

I thank you in advance for your response.
Welcome to ST! Smile

Quote:Originally posted by Anastassia

Nevermind, so please, I would like to know if I'm allowed to just extract SI Items from the official BSA's and create them as new STxx items in order to use them on the mod, or what it would imply to do so.

I thank you in advance for your response.
That would mean that players have to install SI, so no.

A few weeks ago we started a discussion within the Core about making ST dependent on SI. We decided to post a poll, due to other ST work I didn't have time to post a concept on our internal board.
I'll do that asap.
Hello sandor =), sorry, I suppose I wasn't clear enough, what I'm thinking on is on extracting SI meshes and textures and add them as new ST items, put them in the BSA along with the all the other original content you have made for ST, so the player won't have to install SI. And I believe, at least that I, wont be adding so many SI items as to make a significant file size change...

Thank you for your response.

Hi Anastassia, if you look ingame and the CS you'll notice there is little to no OB content. That was intended, a best scenario is that we have no OB content. Sometimes we dont have an item in our list that is needed so we use OB. I have a couple of items on the farmland exterior that I hope are place holders for future items to be created.

As far as adding meshes to our/contributed content I dont where we stand on the issue.

I know it may sound frivilous but it's about making our mod ours. Again the using OB textures on our meshes I am not very clear on. But my opinion is that it smells of OB.

edit: IG clarified the meshes textures thing nicely.
I think that idea had been suggested at some point but thrown out due to the legal implications of using content from a mod that someone hadn't paid for (from a mod that was only available to buy). It's still classed as being SI-material (meshes or textures) so no. I don't think it was an option. We use SI content in Black Marshes but you'd need to have SI installed. The ST team have chosen otherwise. It's all a matter of taste, opinion, future plans and so on.
Very well, I understand, though, ehm-- no, "though" nothing you are right, I guess I can only cross my fingers and hope for that poll to aprove SI content usage.

Thank you all for replying.

I almost forgot, Zurke and Ibsen's Ghost, your explanations are very apreciated, I'm still a bit naive in all this, thank you very much =)
It's true that it would be quite illegal for us to distribute assets from Shivering Isles. Technically it's illegal to distribute any kind of assets owned by Bethesda, including retextures of Oblivion models, but it's not enforced presumably because one has to already have the game to have any use of the content. But that's only true of assets from vanilla Oblivion, since you can use assets from their other products without having bought anything other than vanilla Oblivion.

Regardless of whether we make our mod dependant on the expansion or not, using Shivering Isles models in our mod would make it much less unique and interesting in my opinion. I can't help but think of it as being similar to splicing in scenes from the movie "Lord of the Rings" into a homemade documentary of a local LARPG event. Sure it'll look cooler but it's obvious someone else made the scenes and everyone has already seen them before.