Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: NJRI0202 "PholmoloReed02" (Completed)
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Official 'Black Marsh' Interior Claim: Wanan-Dar's House


Wanan-Dar’s House
AVAILABILITY: Completed by Ibsen's Ghost


[Image: PholmoloClaims.jpg]
[Image: TESConstructionSet2009-05-0415-15-2.jpg]

(Please excuse the unattractive CS screenshots.)


Description & Details


Pholmolo is a renowned stronghold of Argonian culture. Since the more Imperial races settled in Tenmar Wall, there has been an expressed need on behalf of Royal Argonia to avoid acts of vengeance against any former oppressors. This is something that the Royal Court has been keen to publicize as a success and yet the natives are aware that it is also an order that has nevertheless been largely ignored by many of Pholmolo’s inhabitants. They have simply found alternative ways to harass what they still see as ‘invaders’. The people of Pholmolo are therefore both naturally defiant and very intolerant towards outsiders.

Pholmolo’s success in the past in holding out against Dunmer and Imperial threats owes mainly to its position in the jungle. The Gorge, when fortified, is impenetrable and access via the waterways is a renowned impossibility against Argonian forces. Therefore, attacks using ranged fire from above is the best possible option. Although somehow getting into the town itself and bypassing the shelter of the rocks is problematic, minimal successes were achieved although the guerilla warfare of the Argonians who would always, in time, repel them.

Pholmolo contains a society thoroughly steeped in Argonian culture and, more so than most towns near the Cyrodiil border, largely cut off from Imperial influence, a little like the mainland.

This interior claim contains the home of Wanan-Dar, the milder brother of Spits-Out-Seed. Although mainly fearing Spits-Out-Seed’s immense ferocity, Wanan-Dar is still in awe of his bigger, older brother. He is very loyal to him but often ends up mopping up after him when his older brother goes out looking for trouble. As a result, this supportive role has led to Wanan-Dar becoming a more thoughtful character, interested in reading up on all sorts of Black Marsh books (although rarely from any other writers than Argonians themselves). He is treasured by the Shaman for his intelligence and is suspected of being Quakes-In-Soil’s next protégé. Like Spits-Out-Seed though, he is also a fisherman and, although not so much a warrior, he is handy with ranged weapons.

Wanan-Dar is probably found on the little dock, with the Shaman or in his reed hut, reading. His humble home should reflect these interests.


At-a-glance Details


Interior Name:2BMIGPholmoloReed02
Region: Naga-Cradle Jungle
Settlement: Pholmolo
Architecture: Reed Hut
Exterior cell coordinates: (-11,22)
Claim Size & Difficulty: Very Easy.
Inhabitants: Wanan-Dar has not been created yet.
Mission Connections: None as yet.
NPCs: 1. The NPC must have (full) dialogue and AI. Don't forget the pathgrid for them. The NPC is already named but you may change the name if necessary, so please discuss this and other details in the claims discussion thread ('General Info' below).
General Info: Please keep up to date on associated topics in the: Claims Discussion Forums .


How to mod your interior

Interior modding carries with it the same responsibilities as it does on our father project, Silgrad Tower. This means that there will need to be NPCs, Containers, Lighting etc. For a really nice checklist that is very, very thorough, try this one from Zurke: A handy checklist to create an interior for ST . Zurke is the most experienced and prolific interior modder I know of so it's all good advice.


Cluttering your Interior

NB: Objects for this claim will be minimal. Please use smaller objects. A good idea is to use the hanging fish and maybe add some hanging meat (once this model has been created by our modeling team). The bed will probably be a bedroll or you may wish to request adapting one of the garden beds to be re-textured as a custom Argonian ‘nest-bed’ as suggested by some of Rickious’ concept art. Also, if you really need to make the area larger by re-scaling it then please ask.

Please try to use the BM objects as much as possible. And try to consider the story behind the owner of the house (which you may adapt unless stated) and add clutter as appropriate to them and the particular locations. This might include foodstuffs, flora, cutlery, paintings, tribal items, custom furniture, bedding and maybe a desk if this interior involves using the NPC as a trader.

Please remember to light the area. Argonian or Imperial lighting can be used. If you have any further suggestions, requests for models and so on then please consult this thread: Furnitures & Clutters . Just ask if you have any special ideas for extra models.

Have fun! :goodjob:
I have claimed and almost completed this. :check:
I just added the packages to the AI for this one. It's now done. :check: