Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: The Everglades Location: LongHarrow Lagoon
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This is what I've been working on lately: LongHarrow Lagoon. It occupies a sunken area of land in the Everglades region and was an ancient home for the Barsaebic Ayleids. I am currently working on getting this region prepared for generation but wanted to mould the area into shape first.

You can see I've been using stuff like the Glowshrooms and the Nenuphar lillies but I'm not so sure about the mist effect in part of the lagoon and some of my placements of the sun beams. I may get rid of it and just go for a moody effect. I also still need to vertex shade the area and adjust a few things. You will notice the entrance to 'Xarphyrial', the home of the Barsaebic Ayleids. This will be closed off and you will need to find an alternative entrance outside the complex that is sunken in the Everglades.

Longharrow will be noticeably different from the rest of the Everglades as it will include these trees and not Dementia and swamp trees, which comprise most of the region's features. More news on progress with the region generation is on the way.
Omg.. It's sooo beautiful!!!

Grrrreat work IG!
Thanks, DoZeNt. I'm just putting the finishing touches to it now. In the meantime, I took a shot of my test cells for the Everglades that I'm working on....take a look. There's no grass attached to the textures yet but I'm working on that as well as considering which flora to use and what quantities. I just finished doing the height mapping for the region this minute and I'll be looking for a preset cell so that I can think about getting the region generation done.

In the meantime, I had a bit of a problem replacing the objects for the jungle region so I had to rely on sandor's expertise again but it looks like the jungle region should soon be making it's long-awaited appearance too!
Whoot! It's good to see such eye candy! *Happy Dance ensues...* :banana:
