Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [Relz/Wipz] The Ruins of Miscarcand
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Quote:This mod requires Shivering Isles

The magical power of the great welkynd stone that resides within the old Capital City has altered and enchanted the surrounding lands, preserving the primordial jungle that once surrounded all of Cyrodiil. Located within a deep valley, hidden away from the rest of Tamriel lies beautiful Miscarcand-- the beauty that Camoran's Paradise attempts to imitate


Note that this mod is an alpha, as such there are dirty edits, floating objects, and bugs that need squashing. For that I need your help. It also lacks LOD (if someone could help me generate that it would be great). Please post any feedback you have so that I can squash the bugs and get a pristine, perfect version released to all of you.

To access Miscarcand, just look for the archway entrance on the road to Kvatch.

Sachiel (for his rock resource)

If you want to use cprockwall02 please give credit to Sachiel for the mesh. Everything else is made by me and totally free to use. I don't care if you credit me or not.


Any help finding bugs from you guys is very much appreciated. Also if anyone can generate LOD for this file that would be great, the CS crashes on me when I try.

Nobody at all has anything to say?
Quote:Originally posted by Siegfried

Nobody at all has anything to say?

Welcome Siegfried to the True Beyond Cyrodiil Forums...

Anyway its a great project,keep it up buddy.

Quote:Originally posted by Senten
Quote:Originally posted by Siegfried

Nobody at all has anything to say?

Welcome Siegfried to the True Beyond Cyrodiil Forums...

Anyway its a great project,keep it up buddy.


Thanks senten.