Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hey,... guys... sorry for the long MIA.

Good news! I was able to recover all my old models from my harddrive !!!

Feels good to be back in business.

Well, I'll get something up asap... see ya amigos...

Posts about the Garuda creature excised -to here- /Rw 090526
Very cool! How's the pixel-pushing for a living going?
Oh, wow! The Modax himself is back! :banana:
Nice to see you! (scrambles off to work on that voice acting he'd promised to do)
Wow, if im not mistaken you are the creater of the Kwama creatures..

good jod on those meshes!
Welcome back The Modax Jago, and I'm happy to hear you could salvage your work Smile
welcome Back but remember that only works if you do it once or twice people lose faith if you do it 4-5 times like yours trully Smile

But sincerely welcome back losing all models is a true heart break when you put so much into them