Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Dynamic Lighting?
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It has been awhile since I have played Morrowind. Now and again while I am modding I remember an instance of something that was convienant as well making the game more dynamic.

Temparay lights was one of those things. Like with the travel lantern when you took it out of inventory it only burned for so long. I think having that would be an awsome addition.

How is that done? I looked for a script but didn't see anything. I noticed a box for 'dynamic' is that what makes lights only burn for so long like the torches?
I'd imagine that the dynamic checkbox would allow the light to move i.e. not be static.
Quote:Originally posted by nick_op
I'd imagine that the dynamic checkbox would allow the light to move i.e. not be static.

Thanks nick_op. There is also the 'can carry' option but it looks wierd.
Quote:Originally posted by Zurke
Quote:Originally posted by nick_op
I'd imagine that the dynamic checkbox would allow the light to move i.e. not be static.

Thanks nick_op. There is also the 'can carry' option but it looks wierd.

I couldn't say for certain but I think the 'can carry' option are intended for models like my Morrowind torch that have been modelled with the express intention of being carryable.
Quote:Originally posted by Zurke
Like with the travel lantern when you took it out of inventory it only burned for so long. I think having that would be an awsome addition.
If the light is carryable (adding it to a container or inventory), set the time for the duration (determines the time the light should stay on when equipped) and check dynamic.
Quote:Originally posted by Razorwing

I couldn't say for certain but I think the 'can carry' option are intended for models like my Morrowind torch that have been modelled with the express intention of being carryable.

Hi Rw. Yes I notice that when I equipped the item. oh well it was just a brainstorm that fizzled Smile

@Sandor, thanks Smile