Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: SI animations
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Since it has been voted on and the core has painfully decided on SI content I decided to use the mixing bowl animation in the newly placed tavern. But I am at a loss as to how to use it.

I am using an 'use item at' package but cannot find the animation. Am I trying to implement it in the wrong way? Sad
Quote:Originally posted by Zurke
I decided to use the mixing bowl animation in the newly placed tavern. But I am at a loss as to how to use it.

I am using an 'use item at' package but cannot find the animation. Am I trying to implement it in the wrong way? Sad
This one is designed for Rendil only.
We have to create a new anim that can be used by ST NPC's.

I'll do that asap for the anims that are unique, after I unpacked the kf files from the bsa.

Sweeping is a general anim (use BroomLower01) which can be used by any NPC.
That would explain it. Thank you Sandor.