Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Completing the interior set
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I've been working through the Tenmar Wall interiors and I've noticed that, although we have a nice collection of interior items, we're still a little short in some areas. I'm all too happy to use vanilla objects where they're appropriate but it would be nice to characterise the areas a bit more by the time we come round to doing more typically Argonian areas. However, the majority have already been very ably completed by Koniption. Smile

For anyone wanting to a Tenmar Wall interior before I do the whole lot, you should know that I'm just going to do a basic job of them for now until the interior set is complete then I'll add character to them according to the AI living there. Container items will be filled with levelled item lists at a later stage.

Nevertheless, you're welcome to take any interiors in this settlement.

Here's the list of clutter items that would still be desirable:
  • Rugs and tapestries - particularly the 'partition tapestries' that are set up in lower class homes - these can be added from TesNexus resources if we find some suitable ones so anyone looking to do a nice browsing task, here you go.
  • Beds - I already have a grand one set aside for the nobility but the 'nestbed' drawn up by Rickious would be good as well.
  • Chest of drawers and wardrobes - preferably of the 'root furniture' variety which could be anything from a hole in a dead tree trunk to twisted roots that unknot at your touch.
  • Something decorative - to replace planters, ideally.