Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: [Misc Soulrest Quest] The Oddjob Bar
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Soulrest is the centre of Black Marsh's mercenary industry. Anyone who doesn't mind doing a bit of killing and some ethically dubious missions can find plenty of work here. This is my plan for how it works:

In the docks of Soulrest is a sleazy, run-down bar called the Oddjob. The barman has many contacts, both legitimate and underworld, and introduces them to skilful mercenaries that suit the jobs they offer.

The Oddjob is a private bar, so you need to gain access to get to the really top jobs offered inside. Ask around in several other bars for some entry-level jobs, and eventually once you've completed a few the barman from the Oddjob will appear to the player and give them a Member's Pass.

Once the player is a member, they can talk to the barman and from time to time he will tell the player to go upstairs to a room, which will unlock and contain the contact who gives the player the mission. The player may even be introduced to the Shadowscales eventually if they perform well. This is a chance for us to do some fairly dark stuff, which strays from the conventional Fighter's Guild type quests.

Of course, there will be a Fighter's Guild as well (see my other post).
Nice. I'd like to see the Oddjob get closed down after a while though and the barman arrested... Big Grin....we'll make good use of that room though.

Btw, a possible job associated here (but more likely based around the pirate's cove that is planned) includes a mission to the island of Swampmoth (probably in a separate WS). I had considered using this one: but I regret to announce that the modding wasn't great and the landscapes were utter crap! X(
I think that this is now obsolete, given that this idea was not ultimately included in the layout of Soulrest?
It depends on whether you'd be fine with having either 'The Howling Seadog' or 'The Topal Tigers' take over the idea: CLAIM: City Planning and AI .
I guess what I'm really thinking is that since we already have something interesting going on with the Fighter's Guild that's different to the norm for that faction, it would be a bit of a waste to do this as well.

We could, however, involve this idea as part of the FG quests, perhaps as a rival faction who don't take kindly to you setting up business in their town (depending on how you manage it, the quest might end with some Oddjob mercenaries joining the Guild, or alternatively, end in a bloodbath bar-room brawl at the bar itself...)
Yes, that sounds good. After all, 'The Howling Seadog' was always going to be a prime location for a brawl.