Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: NJRI0303 "Allenie's Allembic: Alchemical Supplies" (Completed)
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Official 'Black Marsh' Interior Claim for Stormhold: Allenie's Allembic - Alchemical Supplies


Allenie's Allembic - Alchemical Supplies
AVAILABILITY: Completed by DoZeNt and jucklesjenk


[Image: StormholdNorth04.jpg]
[Image: AlleniesAllembics.jpg]

(Please excuse the unattractive CS screenshots.)


Description & Details


Stormhold is Black Marsh's Jungle City lying in the Northern reaches of the Naga-Cradle Jungle. It is an entrypoint to the mountains and a common location for the more enterprising traveller. Much of it is built upon the existing Barsaebic ruins which are still very much in evidence, both in the ramshackle architectural design and through the complex Undercity network.

It was the scene of the most spiritual successes in terms of trying to 'tame' Argonian culture and belief as it was at one time under the influence of missionaries of the Nine Divines. This is the second strongest influence that is at work in city, giving rise to the Cathedral whose brazier serves as a beacon to those lost in the Jungle.

It is a source of considerable trade and yet has a history of foul diseases. Consequently, places such as the 'Hospice of Mara' have been set up to deal with this. However, it is not without influence and holds considerable sway in the diplomacy between Argonia and the foreign embassies, the most controversial of which remains to this day: the Morrowind Embassy, a base for the once-despised Dunmer who were at one time a blight on Stormhold's horizon. Being a border city, it is also rich in trade, culture and commerce.

This interior claim is of medium-size and contains the home/shop of Allenie, an Altmer alchemist. Allenie often supplies the Hospice from the safety (and cleanliness) of the inner city but she stocks a great deal more than what is held there. She might also deal in other miscellaneous items. She is also very likely to provide training in Alchemy. Her main shop is situated downstairs but there is access to a higher floor which in turns gives access to the roof which should be a locked entrance. This may lead to an opportunity for stealthy thieves later in the game.


At-a-glance Details


Interior Name:2BMDZStormholdLeyawiinLower01
Region: Naga-Cradle Jungle
Settlement: Stormhold
Architecture: Leyawiin-style House
Exterior cell coordinates: (-3,23)
Claim Size & Difficulty: Very Easy.
Inhabitants: Allenie has not been created yet.
Mission Connections: None as yet.
NPCs: 1. The NPC must have (full) dialogue and AI. Don't forget the pathgrid for them. The NPC is already named but you may change the name if necessary, so please discuss this and other details in the claims discussion thread ('General Info' below).
General Info: Please keep up to date on associated topics in the: Claims Discussion Forums .


How to mod your interior

NB: Please note that some Stormhold interiors contain copies of vanilla interiors for those wishing to 'mass-mod' (see the thread in the interiors section for details). This is not a highly recommended strategy to modding but, in practical terms and if needing to create Imperial-style interiors (as some in Stormhold are), it can prove to be very useful and time-efficient. If not using this strategy, please delete either some or all of the existing clutter and then begin.

NB: Please also note that you will see two wooden boards creating the shape of this interior which are NOT TO BE MOVED. However, if needs be, these boards can be retextured to reflect the general design of the house. Please request this to be done if the interior does not work well in-game as it is.

Interior modding carries with it the same responsibilities as it does on our father project, Silgrad Tower. This means that there will need to be NPCs, Containers, Lighting etc. For a really nice checklist that is very, very thorough, try this one from Zurke: A handy checklist to create an interior for ST . Zurke is the most experienced and prolific interior modder I know of so it's all good advice.


Cluttering your Interior

Please try to use the BM objects as much as possible. And try to consider the story behind the owner of the building (which you may adapt unless stated) and add clutter as appropriate to them and the particular locations. This might include foodstuffs, flora, cutlery, paintings, tribal items, custom furniture, bedding and maybe a desk if this interior involves using the NPC as a trader.

Please remember to light the area. Argonian or Imperial lighting can be used. If you have any further suggestions, requests for models and so on then please consult this thread: Furnitures & Clutters . Just ask if you have any special ideas for extra models.

Have fun! :goodjob:
I love alchemy... Can I take this one?
Certainly. :check:

Check the potions section in the CS for what we have available. Let me know if you'd like the back wall retexturing...
Are the script effects for the ingredients enabled in the latest archive?
Nope, I haven't had time. It's on my 'to do' list. I can see how it would help you to organise the potions though. Sorry about that but I think you'll have to muddle by as you are for now, doz....
Ok. so I'm claiming it
Nice! This is what I like to see....modding progress! =)
Hmm.. While this is being developed, perhaps BlackMarsh needs some special alchemical supplies? Maybe some retexturing work or new models can do the trick?
You mean like a replacement for the mortar and pestle and other equipment items? They'd probably be referred to as 'paraphernalia'. Taking a look at the Open Model Claims , I'd say that the Gris-Gris bags, voodoo dolls, rattles and decorated chicken and turkey feet fall under that category. There should also be a boiling kettle that is supposed to be animated with a bubbling effect and, if I remember rightly, can be found under 'Animators'.

You could leave a bit of space for these once they're ready and available from the modding team. In fact, I think the voodoo doll was completed by zaneeba_slave and might be in Koniption's possession to undergo polycount-crunching and UV mapping before the final texturing.

Naturally, however, most of this stuff should be reserved for shaman huts but I don't see any reason why they might not exist here as well....but they would probably fetch a high (and prohibitive) price.

A final option is to take a look at the paraphernalia that accompanied the Blackwood sap machine. There's some cool items there that might be cleverly used so as to create a different sort of machine. Even if it's just used as a display item, it would be a nice reference to the original game and would fit well here.
I just noticed I hadn't marked this as claimed. Anyway, it is now. Did you get my message above, doz?
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