Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: NJRI0310 "Stormhold: Sorkvid's Terrarium" (Completed)
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Official 'Black Marsh' Interior Claim for Stormhold: Sorkvid's Terrible Terrarium


Stormhold: Sorkvid's Terrible Terrarium
AVAILABILITY: Completed by Deeza


[Image: StormholdNorth04.jpg]
[Image: StormSorkvids.jpg]

(Please excuse the unattractive CS screenshots.)


Description & Details


Stormhold is Black Marsh's Jungle City lying in the Northern reaches of the Naga-Cradle Jungle. It is an entrypoint to the mountains and a common location for the more enterprising traveller. Much of it is built upon the existing Barsaebic ruins which are still very much in evidence, both in the ramshackle architectural design and through the complex Undercity network.

It was the scene of the most spiritual successes in terms of trying to 'tame' Argonian culture and belief as it was at one time under the influence of missionaries of the Nine Divines. This is the second strongest influence that is at work in city, giving rise to the Cathedral whose brazier serves as a beacon to those lost in the Jungle.

It is a source of considerable trade and yet has a history of foul diseases. Consequently, places such as the 'Hospice of Mara' have been set up to deal with this. However, it is not without influence and holds considerable sway in the diplomacy between Argonia and the foreign embassies, the most controversial of which remains to this day: the Morrowind Embassy, a base for the once-despised Dunmer who were at one time a blight on Stormhold's horizon. Being a border city, it is also rich in trade, culture and commerce.

This interior claim is medium and contains the home of Sorkvid, a Nordic settler in the Black Marsh whose family has a considerable background in exploration of the region. He has now settled and is using his experience from years of explorative research to deal in strange pets and creatures, both dead and alive. He may well be under suspicion of being responsible for the illegal trade in mounted heads of the races of Cyrodiil as he is also a taxidermist (stuffs things). As such, he has extended his business towards general interior design and is the likely supplier for any PC's home. However, the stuffed statues and kennels are his biggest salespoint.


At-a-glance Details


Interior Name:2BMDZStormholdBravilLower06
Region: Naga-Cradle Jungle
Settlement: Stormhold
Architecture: Bravil-style interior.
Exterior cell coordinates: (-3,23)
Claim Size & Difficulty: Medium.
Inhabitants: The NPC has not been created yet.
Mission Connections: None as yet.
NPCs: 1. The NPC(s) must have (full) dialogue and AI. Don't forget the pathgrid for them. The NPC's name may be created or requested as necessary, so please discuss this and other details in the claims discussion thread ('General Info' below).
General Info: Please keep up to date on associated topics in the: Claims Discussion Forums .


How to mod your interior

NB: Please note that some Stormhold interiors contain copies of vanilla interiors for those wishing to 'mass-mod' (see the thread in the interiors section for details). This is not a highly recommended strategy to modding but, in practical terms and if needing to create Imperial-style interiors (as some in Stormhold are), it can prove to be very useful and time-efficient. If not using this strategy, please delete either some or all of the existing clutter and then begin.

You may wish/need to include statues. If so, please speak to myself about this and I can add what is necessary into the archive. In the meantime, you should be able to use the various kennel and cage models to place some creatures in (but please ensure that they are set to be placid....we don't want a jungle inside an interior!!!)

Interior modding carries with it the same responsibilities as it does on our father project, Silgrad Tower. This means that there will need to be NPCs, Containers, Lighting etc. For a really nice checklist that is very, very thorough, try this one from Zurke: A handy checklist to create an interior for ST . Zurke is the most experienced and prolific interior modder I know of so it's all good advice.


Cluttering your Interior

Please try to use the BM objects as much as possible. And try to consider the story behind the owner of the building (which you may adapt unless stated) and add clutter as appropriate to them and the particular locations. This might include foodstuffs, flora, cutlery, paintings, tribal items, custom furniture, bedding and maybe a desk if this interior involves using the NPC as a trader.

Please remember to light the area. Argonian or Imperial lighting can be used. If you have any further suggestions, requests for models and so on then please consult this thread: Furnitures & Clutters . Just ask if you have any special ideas for extra models.

Have fun! :goodjob:
Hi, I'll take this one please Big Grin

Oh yeah, I've got a 3 day weekend so I'm gonna try and blitz some cells!!!! XD

EDIT:do I need to make the house that's above it as well?
For the sake of my admin, I'll have to say that you should focus on your three for the time being. It's difficult for me to track things if there's lots of things partly done. This sometimes happens if people leave unexpectedly. ST have a similar policy that limits the amount of claims you can take.

However, if you finish the three mentioned then just go straight on to this one. Just be sure to let me know on this thread first.

There's no need to do the interior above (Dulu Gra-Duluk's House) but everything in the cell needs to be done so that's just those two floors.

Additionally, this claim is a bit special because you'll need to use the statue models that we now have. To set them up, you will need to ask me about this in more detail when you come to do this but the models can be found under the 'Creatures' section and include: CreatureAtronachFlameStatue, CreatureDaedrothStatue, CreatureGhostStatue (which I don't see as being an option because how can you have a statue of a ghost?), CreatureLichStatue, CreatureScampStatue, CreatureSpiderDaedraStatue, CreatureSprigganStatue, CreatureStormStatue, CreatureWraithStatue (as baffling as the ghost, if you ask me) and CreatureXivilaiStatue. You may have to resize them to fit under the roof but we could always say that they have been shrunken or are 'younglings'. The best ones to my mind are the Oblivion creatures because it makes sense of the way that Black Marsh just absorbed the Daedra threat and had the invaders stuffed. =) I'm hoping we'll be able to get some of our own creatures in there as statues as well...but use these for now and we can always replace them later if needs be.

You may need to put them inside and on top of things so if you search the whole static folder you should be able to find the following objects: Kennel01-04, PalaceCage01, SEMetalCageBars01, SEDisplayPedastal01, a series of models beginning RuinsPedistal, RuinsBrazierA01 and SEMetalCageBars01. Under 'Door', you will find: SEDisplayPedastal01GlassDome, SEDisplayCaseLarge01, SE38DisplayCase and a selection of models beginning with DisplayCase.

Finally, it would be nice to use Phitt's fishtanks as well: . Again, let me know when you start and I'll help you get it set up.

I thought I'd give you a helping hand with finding things in the CS because it's a pain in the butt when you get started to get familiarised with the things that are there and where to find them. I hope that helps! :goodjob:
OK thanks I'll do the mini-claims first - I guess if you jump in at the deep end, you WILL drown!!

PS 2 finallys?????
Quote:Originally posted by MachanStripes
PS 2 finallys?????

Ooops! I hadn't intended to add that once I started writing the first 'finally'. It's now edited because I hate errors. :check:
Cool Safe, another stickler :goodjob:

EDIT: I have to be honest here (and this is a good thing) but there is more going on in BM than there is in ST!! :goodjob:
Quote:Originally posted by MachanStripes
Cool Safe, another stickler :goodjob:

EDIT: I have to be honest here (and this is a good thing) but there is more going on in BM than there is in ST!! :goodjob:

Big Grin We have a more achievable target than ST at the moment with what we plan to do for the beta. I love ST but it's just so huge a task. I just hope that all that amazing work can eventually get the credit it deserves...I just don't want to run the risk of BM not doing that.

Btw, how's your CS training coming along, MC? Anything we can help with?

This link leads to a very nice resource that includes (among other things) some nice glass cases which would be ideal for this interior.

The remaining stuff could be used for the Mages' Guild laboratories.
That's speckledguar's school lab set, isn't it? I'm not a fan, personally. You could potentially use the tanks for fish but we have enough glass case resources as part of the vanilla collection. Besides which, I much prefer Phitt's fishtanks: . They have low memory usage but they're really fine-looking. The resources I mentioned here: NJRI0310 "Stormhold: Sorkvid's Terrarium" should suffice.

Btw, I think MachanStripes left so this claim is now open. If anyone wants to claim this then please let me know if you'd like the fishtanks resource putting in the archive. It has new anims, of course, which are always welcome.
I didn't realise there was an alternative available. Carry on, then! Smile
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