Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: School ... more or less ;-)
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rite im getting low grades X( so im most of the time bysy lerning X( X( but the new root is almost there Smile
Sorry for the low marks you got.When I don't have enough time I modd Sathurdays and Sundays. :yes:
Quote:Originally posted by dwemer lizard
rite im getting low grades X( so im most of the time bysy lerning X( X( but the new root is almost there Smile

You actually have time for school as well? Maybe you should try to find a school project that makes you use your modding skills?

Some schools are very proud of students that develope 'special' skills like computer modelling. So maybe you could talk with your school computer tutor to ask his/her advice (or whoever you think at school is best?) and if you are lucky they might actually help you - give you access to resources that you could not normally hope to be allowed to use?

I am sure that the 'older members' of the group here at Silgrad would be happy to assist you if your teachers want to learn more about what we do. Course, the downside might be that you would have to improve your grades generally :eek: to justify any extra access in your teachers' minds ... there aint no such thing as justice! ... ignore this post if it gives you a headache. Big Grin
he he no duch scools are diffrent

we got grades from 1 to 10 1 is the lowest en then the best a 6 is just good an 5 isent good i have a 4 for german a 3 for old greekis and a 5 for french... but its getting better :yes:


im bysy with a 3d proiect for scool but it is...well...extra i dont get grades for it Sad
Here is the same thing.Our marks are from 1to 10 and 1 is the lowes 10 is the best.I just finished the first theard and my final grade was 9.76.But hey if you need any help with german you can PM me.I got 10 at german.
where do you live :eek: i thout that in america they use a b c d e f

and for the german thing il ask when im in trouble Smile thx

and i finicht me root today.. i think the bump map will be bumpy...well you know...

ehum il start on that cheese Big Grin
I live in Europe.Hehe...Romania more exactily. Big Grin

Now about the model...It looks great!I think you need a texture.I will make one.
If anyone is looking for help with German, just ask around. There's almost always a German around, including Valderon, The Black Knight and yours truly to name just a few.

And I just took the liberty to split that thread. Wink


Strange...who created this theard?I swear it wasn't me.I was talking with dwemer lizzard but.. ?(
That was me ...

Quote:And I just took the liberty to split that thread.

... since the topic changed slightly from root model to German lessons. Feel free to repeat your post in the other thread so the discussion about the root can go on. (And no this is no spamming Wink )


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