Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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My Ideas-

Hello everyone,

I thought it would be nice to share ideas with you all,
Ok you know the kamal people? Them ice demons (A good face is made by Shiver-Tail, There also on my modelling list by the way.),
Ok you know the kamal region? Supposidly a frozen waste with volcano's and kamals living everywhere,
Its quite a large region isnt it(From what i see of Shiver's map)?
Its about the same size of the knifeblossom region and its definetly bigger than the imperial regions.

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Well ok my idea,
(And to be honest i dont want to sound like some new member that just brings ideas but never makes them,I want to make them trust me on that)

Kamal People-
Ok now theres the kamal people that have equally there own right of independence and speciality than any other race does and also according to shiver-tail there semi-insectoid (Sorry if im wrong) and they look like snow apes (I would love to have these guys to be a race, Ive never seen a insect like "Oblivion" race).

From what i hear from Ciao_Gamer and Shiver-Tail there is a small dispute on what they should be, If im being honest i do not want to get into this whole thing but i do think we should have "Ice" "Snow" "Frost" Demons (That means Frost Atronachs and maybe a new showing of cold blue dremora rebels with a little bit of a pelt on there backs also here too!) but our main Race for kamal should be what Shiver-Tail Describes But! This is a big But,
We should have the Kamal Race on one side dish of religion for them to rever some of these "Demons" maybe because the demons helped them in the past.
(they could have a Kind of a new spell religion/class that includes these talents - Daedric/Necromatic/Frost, But all combined in one way)

And do not forget this race(Kamal) would have its main religion based on northern "Migrated Asians" you could say "Religions" or Myths, And i supplied some links for them (Just scroll down).

Kamal Land-
Now theres the kamal land (That looks like its the same size of the shivering isles, Am i right? So theres lots of room not just for frozen wastes and frozed-in volcanos) I like frozen wastes and volcanos and i bet theres been loads of other ideas for its lands too.

Shiver-Tail and Ysne Made the perfect descriptions for Kamal, Go down to read there "Words".

Other Ideas-
I had a settlement idea for kamal its called "Heartbreak" a town that is a neutral town and is a Nord town (Anyone like the Tes:III expansion: Bloodmoon? well i did and i think kamal should have a little of that)
this nord town is a port, A port of all trades at that (Skyrim,Akavir)
The town would be a extensive meeting of the akavir culture and the nord culture and the town has been around for quite some time,
Heartbreak has its own territory in kamal but its quite little.

Another 4 settlements ideas are of-
A campsite outside the heartbreak territory: Its the only nord hunting campsite outside the heartbreak territory, Its troubling for the locals and the chief of heartbreak is not to pleased about it either.
A nordic dwarf mining site near the region of Ka Po on the NW of kamal:
(This could be somethink else but i like the idea of nordic dwarfs "Lord of the rings type dwarves" mining in the territory and annoying the locals but reasoning with them by slaying local "Mysterious" monsters)
A nordic dwarven mining site that is having troubles in there mines and are also having problems with the locals.
An Ancient Civilisation's Ruin in the North of Kamal:
(This idea derived from the Nerubian Spider Race of WoW and there History) This Ruin holds many lost secrets and many lost peoples of an ancient civilisation.

My Links-

The Very Nice Kamal Pics-
[Image: Early-Yeti-concept-3.jpg]
[Image: Kamal_WindowUnderCursor.png]
[Image: scan0005.jpg]

Theres my ideas, Enjoy Big Grin


Ysne's Words-
OK here are my thoughts...

Kamal is a dreaded region, and the other races on Akavir will not go there. The only beings close to it is the human stronghold of Knifeblossom, and even this is one of the most heavily guarded emplacements on the continent. The Tsaesci have constructed a vast wall, which they call Lorshe-Hirsaide, that runs the length of their border with the country. In fact, it is only called a country because nobody wants it.

It is a land of wilderness, ice, and tundra. The sun is always obscured by low cloud and blasting gales, and those who dare to travel their have called this the Maddening Breeze, after it's incessant whistling, and it's ability to drive a man insane.

All over the country are giant, forbidding, mountains, incased in ice for 9 months of the year. Of course, this is an Akaviri year, and so we would think of this as about 30 Tamrielic years. Set into these mountains are fortresses as old as time, carved with strange patterns and hexes which hurt the eye. They do are ringed with ice. Those who venture into them find icy tombs, but too dark to see what lies within...

Every thirty years, the sun's weak rays pierce the cloud cover, and heat the ice so that it melts. The runes glow with power upon the Doom Keeps, as these castles are called, and the regular predators, of which there are many and which are ferocious, go into hiding or hibernation. From the steaming corridors into the ferocious sunlight emerge the Kamal, beings of absolute dread, and unstoppable fury.

Some call them demons, others magikal sentinels of a long-lost civilisation. Yet every thawing they follow a wordless command from soemwhere deep in the Kamal mountains, and they attack the other nations with fury and silent hatred. They are the most hated foes of all Akavir's inhabitants.

Since the construction of the Wall, their forays into Tsaesci territory have been brief, yet bloodthirsty. they are skilled warriors, nearly invulnerable, and the defence of the Wall is always tripled when such an army approaches. They attack the Tang Mo from across the sea with alarming frequency. No one knows how they arrive, whether walking the sea-bed or freezing the sea itself. But the Tang Mo have developed a racial hatred for the beasts, and fight them off in desperation.

Such an army is frightening to see. There are many Doom Keeps, and tens of thousands of warriors, arrayed as far as the eye can see. Not one speaks, but all obviously hate their enemies.

They are nine or ten feet tall, with blueish skin. Some say they have blue fur which crackles with lightning. Their eyes are small, cunning, ancient and evil, glowing red in the darkness. Their mouths are wide and cruel with thousands of small teeth. They are heavier-set than an ogre, with claws like scimitars. They move slowly, their frozen skin cracking like glaciers. Others say they are like the Frost Atronachs of Tamriel, while others say even more terrifying things. One thing is sure, hardly any survive their attacks. They disembowel with one strike, freeze with a stare, and turn men insane. Then as the frost comes, they retreat back to the Keeps to sleep, only to re-emerge. It has continued since time immemorial, and all the other races put their calendars around it.

One may travel to Kamal. Yet such a trip is not to be taken lightly. Though a trip in summer is surely suicide, in winter there are still numerous creatures that can kill. As well as the cold. There are said to be settlements hidden in the frozen wastes, and great treasures within the Doom Keeps. But tread quietly. They sleep lightly....

Akavir Mod Leader

Ciao_Gamer's Words-
I don't think that the kamal are banished I think that they are there by choice. Not all Dremora chose to join with Dagon, perhaps these are a splinter group that chose a frozen territory as their domain.

As for invading the Tang Mo, why not. They are not weak but they are the weakest. It would be logical to go after a race that only fights for its own defense, rather than to attack one of two militaristic races with professional, well trained standing armies with advanced weaponry and armor. Also the ka po and tsaesci are likely to launch a counter attack if provoked. This would be a large hindrance if you spend 4/5 of the year gathering your power or amassing and training a new an army.

Shiver-Tail's Words-
This is how I picture the homeland.
A vast waste of ice and snow. Dangerously sharp peaks and sharp waves of ice cleave trough the lands, while the skyies are filled with blue auroras where you can hear screams. That's how it looks in the summer...
Due to it's location very close to Nirn and the mysterious energy located there, the land knows only two seasons: summer (damn cold) and winter (hell would freeze over).
In the winter, the land starts to enter a state so cold, so close to the lowest possible temperature, the Kamal have to flee. Each winter, a huge force breaks open the ground in the most northern part of the land. A huge, gaping hole opens in the ground and a vast hurrican appears with forces so strong the land crumbles into shards that start spinning in the hurricane. Storms rage across the land, during the day a huge blast is emitted by the eye of the hurricane and tears everything down. During the night, there is nothing. No wind, no cold... nothing. The Kamal desperately try to relocate to a place further away from the ever expanding storm. At the peak of the winter, with the Kamal trying to climb over the mountains that divide their land from the others, the storm implodes with a huge bang. All the shards of land fall back down in to the mysterious dark 'water' and freeze together. Then there's the aftershock when the last pieces fall back in place near the 'core' of the storm. A surge of heat quickly rages across the land and melts the ice on top of the mountains that divide Kamal from the rest of the world. This surge and the flood that follows is an essential happening for all cultures...

The water floods the Tang Mo region and a piece of the Knifeblossom region. There, it is absorbed by the clouds and provides the Ka Po region with rain. It brings a new season: summer. In which the river that flows trough the Tsaesci homeland floods.

However, after the flood, the Kamal need food, slaves and other things. So they abandon their temporary mountain strongholds, raid the Tang Mo lands, and return later with food and slaves and create new burrows in the mainland of Kamal.
Why not stay in the mountains?
They would be under attack by various races, plus in the mainland of Kamal, there is a special type of gem near the 'core' that emits heat when whispered too. This stone is holy to the Kamal.

How do I picture the Kamal themselves?
I have no idea. It stick to the idea of one race though. One race that always struggles to survive, yet manages to stick together without a war thanks to an ancient peace agreement. (although there are rebels -> quest)
They should have a culture centralized around taking care of ones family, and protecting each other.

KuKu's Words-
Kamal ? The Land
The land of the Kamal was not always home to these creatures that are named after it. However long ago, spurned by the Dragons, the creatures that would become the Kamal were driven from all fertile and pleasant lands in the south, west, and east. Instead of living in relative harmony in these lands they ended up being driven into the volcanic lands in the north. However volcanic does not mean hot. Most of these volcanoes are dormant, and the northern lands freezing cold. Low clouds constantly drop snow and hail and block the sun and all moisture is quickly dried up. In this primeval land of fire and ice, it is no wonder that the Kamal have become such aggressive and hardy creatures. However the Kamal, though they dislike the cold, have developed and adapted well to the ice and fire of the Kamal north.

Kamal ? The People
The Kamal are not literally, as some would suggest, ice-demons, nor are they shaggy snow beasts. The truth is, these images from the memories of veterans and elders are actually of the first wave the Kamal unintentionally sends before them. As the Kamal awake and march south, east, and west, any beasts caught in their path are either eaten or driven before them. Thus in desperation, many of these beasts, normally fierce predators, roam ahead of the Kamal forces and cause great destruction even before the Kamal reach their targets. The true Kamal, which has not been seen by many living Ka Po? Tun, Tang Mo, nor Tsaesci for a long time, are actually somewhat insectoid. However the myth of them thawing out in the summer and invading is somewhat true. The insectoid Kamal cannot stand the cold in the open and so make deep burrow-holds to protect themselves. Often times, these are dug into the sides of volcanoes, and so the dormant Kamal sleep warmly in the winter, only their sentries sleep frozen in the outer tunnels and the slightest sound awakes them. These creatures have the carapace of insects and four wings, vestigial organs that help them warm-up but no longer are able to help them fly, though it aids in jumping. The edges of their carapace-plates are fringed with hair, both sensory and for warmth. The Kamal must suck nutrients out of others with their needle-like feeding organ. Thus they are so much the more hated by others as they refuse their enemies proper burials (though it does not offend their culture). The Kamal are actually afraid of the cold, and thus naturally drawn out of hibernation in the spring and summer and naturally head towards the warmer lands in mass-migrations, which in actuality have developed into invasions. Whereas elves and men, began as relatively intelligent beings, or at least were by the time they could be called Aldmer and Men, most beast-folk began as children of Nirn. Thus the Argonians from trees-lizards (particularly Hist), Sload from sea-slugs, and so Kamal from over-sized and intelligent insects. Though originally instinctual, their annual migrations have become planned invasions as their intelligence increased (perhaps due to the need of intelligence to survive in such conditions and to overcome such advanced enemies).

Kamal ? The Culture
The politics, not surprisingly, is a survival-of-the-fittest culture. Those who prove themselves are empowered; those who do not are regular commoners. However to offset this vicious-style of natural selection, there is no social distinction between males and females save that females give birth to young and males must protect them at this time. The society is also dynamic and classless. Kings last only as long as they can hold their reign. Because of this, the kings that have lasted long are the best, most loved, and most powerful Kamal and also great survivors. Every Kamal Fire-hive is its own community made up of a myriad of clans. However there are no true familial ties, every parent cares for every child. Thus the bond is not with the parents, but with the entire hive. This is in fact what gives them strength, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the greater good, and leaders who would abuse that are normally quickly deposed. Thus, socially, the Kamal are more advanced though others would not see it that way. An interesting aspect of the Kamal is that when one of their leaders grows ancient and powerful (they grow bigger as they age, for those who do live long), they begin to be able to cause fire within their bodies. They can keep warm without fire and can burn enemies with a touch. They also lose their small vestigial wings and grow in their place spines. It seems that Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, the most ambitious Kamal king yet, believes that sucking the blood out of the god?s heart in a volcano would give him fire, divine blood to give his people, and a chance of conquest. This heart is of course the Heart of Lorkhan, and this land is of course Morrowind.

Kamal ? Architecture
The plains and volcanic mountain ranges of the northern Kamal lands of fire and ice seem to be inhospitable to civilization. Yes beneath the ice, at the feet of the volcanoes, the Kamal make great burrow-holds. These artificial caverns, wells, and lava taps are all made carefully so that even in the event of an earthquake or an eruption, the tunnels will not cave easily. Using volcanic rock as a medium, they create great tunnels, highways of their underground communities. They then cover them back, as they had to clear it before construction, with ice. Overtime the pressure builds and the volcanic rock and the ice harden almost into one. The sides of the tunnels are coated with their feces and this helps for insulation but also attracts fungi (even in these harsh lands), which are essential in Kamal foods and medicine. They are highly advanced in alchemy as they often use fungi to boost their adrenaline, or to keep themselves warm. They also create underground caverns where a type of spunge lives. This spunge, known as the firespunge, appears to be a relative of the Morrowind muckspunge, perhaps they have deviated from a similar stock back when Nirn had one super-continent. The firespunge is a mildly acidic when its contents are eaten, but the stomachs of the Kamal have grown immune and the acid causes a reaction which helps the Kamal warm up. As one reaches the outskirts of the tunnel cities, the volcanic tunnels are less frequent and often passages are made out of the ice. They can afford to do so as the ice is far from the center of the hives which are warm from fires and lava and the movement of thousands of bodies. Where the tunnels lead to the surface, ice-castles are made.

Kamal ? Warfare
Having to contend with much more ?advanced? societies, the kamal have developed ways of countering them. The Tang Mo are lightly armored but very agile and brave. To counter this Kamal steal their boats and use fire to burn their island-forests. Infact it was with Tang Mo boats that the Kamal invaded Morrowind with. The island geography however is not helpful to Kamalese invasions and therefore the Tang Mo usually beat them back easily, the Kamal having no real navy. The Tsaesci until the great wall was made have been a softer target. Though the Tsaesci developed tactics to counter armor, the Kamal have armor in addition to carapaces, thus the tanto may pierce the armor, but fall short when deflected by the hard shells. As there is very little wood in Kamal, the Kamalese folk have become great slingers and slingshot archers. The Kamal, being land-based, force the Tsaesci to fight on land. Thus the great naval prowess of the Tsaesci is negated and the snake-men must fight the Kamal on the ground. The Kamal use wave tactics to counter Tsaesci finesse and skill. This, though a great sacrifice, helps break morale as the Tsaesci?s auxiliaries, men, goblins, and other Akaviri, flee in fear when seeing a million strong Kamal force all charging in one mass. The more loyal Tsaesci are then forced to flee as their populations are smaller than the other nations and rely on auxiliaries to boost their military. The Ka Po? Tun, residing in mountainous regions and having doughty and broad warriors pose a difficulty to the Kamal. The Ka Po? Tun have professional standing armies. While Tsaesci have elite noble-born snake-corps. supported by auxiliaries, and Tang Mo have well armed militia, and Kamal all serve as warriors regardless of rank or sex, none have actually large full-time standing armies. Thus against the professional man and tiger-dragon soldiery of the Ka Po? Tun, the Kamal have to be creative. They tend to raid to weaken the armies? resolve and then decisively strike whenever they are unprepared. However, undoubtedly, since the completion of the Tsaesci wall and the expansion of the Ka Po? Tun armies, the Kamal have been having more difficulties. They now seek to research fire, and hope to construct something that can use fire against their enemies.
The kamal war-time society is somewhat different from their peace-time society. All of their Fire-hives gather and send warriors. Warrior are volunteers, and normally at least half of a fire-hive?s population goes off to war since every Kamal is a parent, every kamal is a warrior, and every Kamal owes alliegance to the Hive and on a larger scale to their oppressed race. The Kamal make armor out of ore found at the base of the mountains and thus has much in the way of resources. In the past their invasions have been hastily planned and poor in strategy. However in more recent times the Kamal have taken advantage of their great amount of resources and made themselves bronze and steel and iron armors, as well as using magical ice and their shamans using fire to armor themselves. Their weapons are not of fine design or quality but rather aim for effectiveness. The weapon may not look nice or be sleek, but their weapons work well and hurt, often having serrated edges or spikes.

Kamal ? Religion
The faith of the Kamal is in death and rebirth, in the victory of the pariah, and primordial might. Their dens are called Fire-hives since each hive has a fire or lava to help keep warm. They hold fire sacred as it helps them to survive and also destroys, but from the ashes grows life. They are outcasts from the rest of Akavir, even Ka Po? Tun and Tsaesci would ally against them out of necessity if the situation was that bad. Thus they also hold a great belief in the right of the oppressed to victory. The Kamal interestingly also have a belief that the beast-races should rule Nirn. They feel that races that become Elvish or Mannish are getting corrupted and need to reform. They firmly believe that staying to their own ways and being beast-folk, not becoming arrogant and ?cultured?. They cannot be blamed for all the so-called advanced cultures (the three other nations) that they have seen are all oppressive against them. There is no real religion so to speak but these common beliefs as well as belief in spirits. They revere Elemental Daedra or Atronachs as they are the embodiment of raw magicka and show the primeval nature of the world.
Can we at least make this a two comment post?
Im whistling around here.......
I'm waiting to see what Shiver Tail thinks. He has a much better grasp of the visual part of this mod than I do.
From what I understand most of the lore on the Kamal that is written is speculation and has been brainstormed by the team.
What we have in cannon lore is that:
-The are "Ice Demons" (gives us a certain amount of leeway)
-They have their own region that has a inhospitable arctic climate. Hence the name "Snow Hell"
-They "thaw out" and attack the Tang Mo every summer
-They were led by Ada'Soom Dir-kamal in attempt to conquer Tamriel.

That's about all we have set in stone.

On a side note my ideas about the tsaesci:
What is the Tamrielic concept of demons, Daedra. I picture the kamal as dremora with a blue rather than red coloration, maybe the a bit of a pelt due to their arctic climate. The "thawing out" mentioned is just a term used by the Tang mo to describe the event, used because the attacks happens in summer not winter, not used in the literal sense of defrosting. The tropical Tang Mo wouldn't have even braved the journey into the "Snow Hell" to confirm any freezing.
The season is actually irrelevant to the cycle. The Kamal overlords (Normal kamal that are powerful enough to permanently exist on the mortal plane) Summon a large army in hopes of conquering the enemy territory. After this immense exertion of power it takes approximately one year for them to gather their magicka and take physical form again.
The first they tried this was a summer so by the time they charge enough it is summer the next year. This gives the Impression of thawing.
Also confirmed dremora names:
Anhaedra, Krazzt, Dregas Volar, Kathutet, Orthe, Ranyu, Amkaos bear a rough resemblance to the name Ada'Soom Dir-kamal.
I dont want to create an argument, This is merely a brainstorming thread.

From what i see Ice demon is very often used but that is a little confusing when Daedra is the proper term in the Tes series and im sure if you look on UESP wiki and type in On Oblivion in search your find the book that was created at the start of it explains somewhat about this whole demon naming thing in cyrodill.

I might be confused but i am sure most denizens of cyrodill and most elves refer to Demons not as demons but as Daedra.

And one another thing is How would these fit with Akavir? Tsaesci Lords are indefinetly a kind of a evil figurehead instead of daedra in akavir.

And what is the story behind them? It would have to be "Very" complicated due to so many people guessing that they pissed off a daedra lord and were chucked in "Snow Hell", Yet Snow Hell is a common saying to most climbers around the Real World due to the high climates with loads of snow and freezing oxygen.

Thawed out=
When something you try and do goes bad - you or it have "thawed out"
Now i would understand that is quite common in dremora castes due to over confidence in battle but dumb expertise, So yeah i do think thats a link but still that could happen with any type of creature army.

And Kamal Overlords could be a possibility but why would they attack the tang mo? The tang mo may look weak but they are not and will not ever be weak due to there sense of getting together when there is trouble.. And only a creature like race would be dumb enough to keep on attacking them year after year, Also a creatures instinct of migration is another thing to consider they might just attack so that they can get away from there province (And tang mo must be very hot province because they dont exactly attack tang mo or knifeblossom do they?).

I do agree the kamal are some how influenced by the daedra in some way or another but they definetly arent daedra in my book (Yet some may disagree).

Sorry if it looks like im being rude, Im not its just that its a discussion and im discussing good and bad points.
Don't worry about it, I know your not being rude Smile It am hoping that I don't come across as rude. Im just doing my part and putting forward some ideas. I was in a hurry to when I posted the other day and didn't have time to say that I liked your idea of a nord settlement.

It is irrelevant if most of the citizens of Cyrodil refer don't refer to demons as dremora but we need to remember that most of the tamrielic lore on the kamal will be from the other races of Akavir who as dremora don't call themselves dremora the Akavari would not know their tamerilic name and would simply refer to the demon like warriors as demons.

We shouldn't think of the tsaecsi as evil either. They are just a militaristic society that try to conquer their enemies. Much the same can be said about the Ka Po and the Imperials.

As for snow hell, I don't believe that we should take the hell part literally. It should be taken to mean inhospitable as the inhabitants from the warmer climates would certainly find this land a figurative hell.

I don't think that the kamal are banished I think that they are there by choice. Not all Dremora chose to join with Dagon, perhaps these are a splinter group that chose a frozen territory as their domain.

As for invading the Tang Mo, why not. They are not weak but they are the weakest. It would be logical to go after a race that only fights for its own defense, rather than to attack one of two militaristic races with professional, well trained standing armies with advanced weaponry and armor. Also the ka po and tsaesci are likely to launch a counter attack if provoked. This would be a large hindrance if you spend 4/5 of the year gathering your power or amassing and training a new an army.Smile

As for attacking the Tang Mo once a year every year maybe they are just proud and stubborn Wink
I really like what I am seeing in this discussion. You both are doing an excellent job of putting forth ideas in a respectful way.

As far as the periodic attacking, I thought the cycle was more like once every 30 years that the Kamal would "thaw" out. I could be remembering that wrong though. There are so many details to keep track of with lore that I have difficulty.

Anyway, you are coming up with good ideas.
Oh good the Nord Idea is liked =)
I thought they should definetly be linked due to that Nord King helping out in defeating Ada'Soom Dir-kamal at Red Mountain and also that Kamal the region should be not that far off to Skyrim.

And the whole demon naming thing shall we say, We should just blame bethesda on there part for not correcting the naming.

I was talking about the Tsaesci "Lords" not the tsaesci, The Tsaesci Lords quite look like daedric lords if you ask me and there personalitys are quite the same too + Tsaesci Lords will probably want something in return for being summoned Wink.

Im starting to like the "Ice Demon" thing but....
What if we used both ideas? I mean it could work for both-
Ive only just started to think about this idea but i dont know how it would work, Is that we have maybe 2 or 3 races at war in Kamal
(1 like a insect race, 1 like a demon race, 1 like a Snow Beast).

Ciao_Gamer if you wanted to improve the interpretation of your image of these Kamal Demons maybe looking upon these links will build a view that you wanted.

I do think we should include all ideas (Right now im a bit favouritised with the whole Snow Yeti/ Semi insectoid but i want them to be a race).

Ok i just thought up a another idea and ill include the old one still so people can talk about it- Is that we have a Civil War in Kamal Ok,
The Snow Beast/Semi Insectoid Race used to be the Denizens of Kamal Long ago but were thrown out there main territory in kamal by
"Ice Demons"
(We will definetly have to add a lot of Frost Atronachs Mixes in this) And are seeking allies but they are having troubles with communications between the new peoples,
Out of Frustration they thaw out at Tang Mo in seeking to Migrate as a natural instinct every year
(You may disagree Ciao_Gamer but i think its more of an Animal Instinct to thaw out just to migrate to warmer climates, But when players/npcs try to enter kamal the welcome is normally the demons because they can keep themselves warm due to magical means and keep out invaders and when the Race Kamal have to burrow in the landscape).

You could add on to this but when i get the chance i will start trying to build a kamal race
(If thats possible, I would love to have some troll orientated animation attacks when using fists),
Oh there are so many ideas for kamal but i think its based on the mongollians and the eskimos and them type of peoples but it would be interesting to see a nord(Dane) enter the mix (Maybe a chance of a Beowulf scene here?) And we could have Migrating Were-Bears enter the fray and then we could have panda(Race) Group trying to hunt down these similar images of themselves in kamal.

All so interesting! Big Grin

:Edit: There could be some Kamal (Race) Shamans that have been churned by these Kamal Demons
1st of all: Naga, what happened? Tbh you seem waaay more mature now that you organize your posts! Thanks for that, and for giving me some faith.
I know it's off-topic, but I'm gonna add it in this lil post anyway:
- Next year, I'm moving to Canada.
- This year, my school selected my for the People to People leadership summit program. So I'm going to Harvard for a few weeks...
- I got a guitar (electric) and I'm gonna start my lessons in January.

Back on-topic:
This is how I picture the homeland.
A vast waste of ice and snow. Dangerously sharp peaks and sharp waves of ice cleave trough the lands, while the skyies are filled with blue auroras where you can hear screams. That's how it looks in the summer...
Due to it's location very close to Nirn and the mysterious energy located there, the land knows only two seasons: summer (damn cold) and winter (hell would freeze over).
In the winter, the land starts to enter a state so cold, so close to the lowest possible temperature, the Kamal have to flee. Each winter, a huge force breaks open the ground in the most northern part of the land. A huge, gaping hole opens in the ground and a vast hurrican appears with forces so strong the land crumbles into shards that start spinning in the hurricane. Storms rage across the land, during the day a huge blast is emitted by the eye of the hurricane and tears everything down. During the night, there is nothing. No wind, no cold... nothing. The Kamal desperately try to relocate to a place further away from the ever expanding storm. At the peak of the winter, with the Kamal trying to climb over the mountains that divide their land from the others, the storm implodes with a huge bang. All the shards of land fall back down in to the mysterious dark 'water' and freeze together. Then there's the aftershock when the last pieces fall back in place near the 'core' of the storm. A surge of heat quickly rages across the land and melts the ice on top of the mountains that divide Kamal from the rest of the world. This surge and the flood that follows is an essential happening for all cultures...

The water floods the Tang Mo region and a piece of the Knifeblossom region. There, it is absorbed by the clouds and provides the Ka Po region with rain. It brings a new season: summer. In which the river that flows trough the Tsaesci homeland floods.

However, after the flood, the Kamal need food, slaves and other things. So they abandon their temporary mountain strongholds, raid the Tang Mo lands, and return later with food and slaves and create new burrows in the mainland of Kamal.
Why not stay in the mountains?
They would be under attack by various races, plus in the mainland of Kamal, there is a special type of gem near the 'core' that emits heat when whispered too. This stone is holy to the Kamal.

How do I picture the Kamal themselves?
I have no idea. It stick to the idea of one race though. One race that always struggles to survive, yet manages to stick together without a war thanks to an ancient peace agreement. (although there are rebels -> quest)
They should have a culture centralized around taking care of ones family, and protecting each other.

I think they should look like this:

[Image: Early-Yeti-concept-3.jpg]

Yeah, I dropped the insect idea... it wasn't mine though. I still LOVE to picture them being biolumniscent in some way, though.
(And my models are useless... waaaay too high poly...)
1. Grandmaster Ibsen taught me the ways of how to use proper writing in proper sentences ( :lmao: Sorry Ibsen, But Big Grin Well a grammar teacher on a mod forum is good :eek: )

a)Your moving to canada? You will still be able to do all the Online Doolalee?
b)Enjoy your stay at Harvard =) i wish the best (Even though i do not know what Harvard is? :eek:
But a 23yr old jamaican who spent half his life learning and half his life running around the place would not know much would he?)
c)Oh good a electric guitar, Now i forgot the name of the instrument i used to play but its a gigantic thing and im sure it was a brass instrument ( I was forced to play it in school, I was quite chubby back then :lmao: :alert: :eek: )

3. Interesting, I updated my top post for a more of a altogether resource and we need a "Lets save the mod!" Topic that is like a get together post....

(Try to get old people back, Try to get people to start working on the mod, Setting up a view for when New to Modding people come on the scene of modding they'll go to us first,
Sprucing Up the forum.... I mean no offense but i love the Sword inside the Akavir sign but i do think this whole forum needs alot of sprucing up-
That means adding maybe a new colour in the back instead of that ugly grey colour and adding a new sign at the top that has images of the Ka Po'tun Species and Tang Mo Emperor Monkey species and has a nice looking akavir related terrain background behind the characterised images of the front,
And maybe a new colour instead of orange? Tan Perhaps?
Oh and i might be bragging on but maybe more "Main Topics" i mean more than just lore.. Kamal... Tsaesci...
and maybe getting a finding a useful moderator to sort out the posts here and there that should'nt be in here and there).

Oh and if you ask why I speak sometimes in a more “Childish or Improper” Way, Well its because im a youth worker for one thing and I have to understand there slang sometimes and I sometimes use it myself because I am so used to hearing it.

The kamal people I think should have a matriarchal society where’s there is a kamal matriarchal high chieftain (Think Genghis Khan but a woman) and the high council (Genghis Khan’s Council) and then there’s the small regional warlords (Think Tibetan Warlords) and last but not least the local shamans (Eskimo like shamans that all peoples think they are good for guidance and wisdom)
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