Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hello all,

I thought it was about time we worked on the leaders in detail
(I know the tsaesci leaders are in a lot of detail but other leaders of akavir),
Now my thoughts on a leader of the tang mo is to be a "Monkey King"
and why do i want this implemented?

^Read this^,
In the west he is known as the "Monkey King" and well in the west in akavir is- Ka Po Kingdom, Tsaesci Kingdom, Imperial Isle (I guess)
So they must call him the "Monkey King" but in the tang mo region and the kamal region (Maybe) they would call him Nus Gnokuw
(If the team allows this name) and why that name?
Because its sun wukong (Aka the monkey king) spelt backwards,
A most interesting easter egg for the player if they have the brains for it.

Next i guess he will give a number of quests but yet again if people allow this we could refer back to the story of sun wukong but differ it from the original story,
Yet again that needs peoples support but im guessing people would like this storyline also if you read before in the tsaesci religion thread then you should see a nice little neat quest for the monkey king to send you on.

Anyway Enjoy! Big Grin*emF97...y_king.jpg
Sounds like an interesting idea!
I'll see what I can come up with.
Even before I joined the team I wanted to come up with a Character Based on Son Goku. He is a very interesting character. I always thought he would make a good NPC. I don't know about the name we could keep it as Sun Wu Kong, that is the original Mandarin pronunciation, the one I am more partial to. In most foreign countries he is known as Son Goku (The Dragonball character is loosely based on him). His clothes, weapon, and crown\circlet thing could find themselves in Oblivion very easily.

His weapon is a staff that weighs 8500 kg, that isn't really a weapon at all, it really is the Pillar that supported the Water Dragon's Temple. It can change size and shape but not weight. He usually keeps it the size of a tooth pick behind his ear. He is immortal, originally mortal but achieved godhood. The rest of the gods think he is dangerous. And he is not only strong, fast, intelligent and well studied in magic and demon magic. I am going to see if I can come up with some good designs for him.
I have had that at the back of my mind for awhile now too Corthian. I thought Jet Li did a pretty good job of bringing him to life in the Forbidden Kingdom.

One of the best aspects of that movie was Jackie Chan and Jet Li bouncing their personas off of each other.
I like it corthian if thats the finalised product i still think it needs really "Bright" chinese colourings like i showed on my last post (Link 2).

Also its a bit of a annoying request but im so how could say it "Like" the jet li portrayed version of his head and i know its everyone input to choose the finalisation but if i may put my two cents as i hear people say in these forums,

I would like if you had the spare time to add the facial features you see on jet li as he plays the monkey king (I mean he looks damm like a monkey!)
And the hairstyle too while keeping the crown but thats how i would like to see his head and you can see a picture of him on one link 3,
(Some may disagree) Its just that i imagined him to be more "Monkey-like" than ALL of the tang mo.
Big Grin

Shiver-tail any news on the lore front i would love to hear a old monkey tale right now :yes: .
As far as the Monkey hair and stuff is concerned I completely agree. I like the Jet Li Monkey far more that our current Tang Mo Race. If possible I would make my own Tang Mo in that style. However the crown I have made is a far more traditional rendition of the King's crown.
Yeah i know,
I like it im just saying add the hairstyle (Orcs have this hairstyle by the way) and the facial hair is possible for the monkey king.


:Edit: Corthian did you request for your rank on these forums to stay at seigneur?
Because i have a "Baron" as you so call it rank but you only have seigneur,
Its just interesting for me but theres really nothing to it.
I don't know what the rank is. It's always been seigneur, I'm kinda partial to it, but don't care either way.
My kids decided to watch the movie again last night. Both Jackie Chan and Jet Li are impressive in the roles they have in this movie.

I didn't realize the first time that they each had two roles.

I think you two have come up with a very workable character here. I would suggest having other artifacts than the ones from the original to make him more real for Akavir rather than real life.

It might even be possible to add a quest/cave in the existing Oblivion world that would include something about him.

Lore N, I really do not know what to say in response to your other post. I have no modelling skills myself, so this mod really is dependent on other people to bring it into existence. I sort of inherited leadership by default, I am the only member of the original team who is still here.

I keep the forum alive in the hopes that someone will step in who does have the modeling skills and the leadership skills to pull off getting something released.

I am a facilitator, my leadership style is a co-operative one rather than an authoritative one, as I'm sure people have noticed.

I do encourage people to release their own work because of the fact that I have no idea when or how we as a team will get something released.
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