Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Statue for Rimmen
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I saw the statue in Rimmen and noticed it was the same as the one in Kvatch so i decided to make a new one. It's based off the one in Skingrad, except I replaced the horse with mr siika's camel.
the back legs got cut off, also, the texture will most likely change, unless you like it like it is. . .

edit: new version here
collision is done, texture is most likely final, unless anyone has a better suggestion

edit2: final and tested, so everything should work
here's the nif/texture 7z'ed
i didn't make an esp to add it to rimmen or even make the object for it in game because as i've heard rimmen is being moved to a separate worldspace and all so i didn't think it would be worth it

edit3: found a problem in the nif, updated file
I love it! :goodjob:
But the second link isn't working!
The man looks like an Elsweyrian Marco Polo.I like it.
sorry about the second link, fixed it
and lol @marco polo, is that a good or bad thing?
[o_O maybe i could make it a khajiit. . .]
Maybe he could be a great imperial exploer I think it is ok.
that would fit too, especially with the bird (dove?) which could symbolize peace i think

who knows, maybe he founded the city, is there any lore regarding that?
Why not writing a book about it?
Rimmen was founded by Tsaesci. Perhaps the statue could be of a famous Imperial governer or conquerer. The dude on it certainly looks Imperial.
Really great work!! Keep it on!
I can try writing a book about him.
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