Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Camo Lizard Hide-N-Seek ; Quest Idea
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Yo all,

I was randomly perusing through pictures of mossy trees online, and I often come across other jungle-related pics.

This one caught my eye, as well as the info surrounding them:

It's a gekko that blends into the bark of the trees it clings to ...which got me to thinking -

Bing! A quest idea! And a tricky one for the player at that. I know of the Nirnroot quest in Oblivion, where the player has to collect them all for some dude in the game. What if Blackmarsh had its own equivalent, but with a twist?

The Nirnroots are easy to recognize. But these lizards are not so easy to spot. If I model a small lizard/gekko, then have different versions that are textured with exactly the same texture as used on various different Blackmarsh trees, then someone places them on those respective matching trees, we have a hide-n-seek quest. The player will have to collect so many of each texture variation type, then give them to some guy in Blackmarsh, maybe someone from out of Blackmarsh who studies the exclusive wildlife of Blackmarsh (scientist/scholar).

Also, this quest takes place solely in Blackmarsh, like we prefer.

What are your opinions?

Good good. A perfect little scholarly pursuit for the new Mages Guild that jucklesjenk is working on! :goodjob: