Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Exact Installation Guide
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I've got everything I need to install BM, I just want to make sure so I dont screw up Oblivion so I've got a couple of questions:

Is anything from ST required?

Can I use OBMM to install BM and the BSAs?

If not, where exactly would I put them?

Thanks, MC
Nothing from ST is needed.

I haven't tried using OBMM to install it so I don't know that way.
If you don't want to use OBMM, just extract it all (.esm and BSA) to the Oblivion/Data folder

In the event of you extracting the BSA and the models still not appearing (which happened to me) just use OBMM or BSA Commander to extract all of the files out of the BSA to the Oblivion/Data directory and it should navigate to the meshes and textures files automatically
I think that sums it up. Any problems, post up again. Wink
Thanks Big Grin

I'm going to go straight for the OBMM way, because I tried to install ST using the manual way - it failed miserably (+yet another reinstall XD)
You could unzip the .rar file with the assets in and just hand place each folder carefully in the place where it needs to go within the Data folder. I do this because I can't stand the thought of my PC screwing things up and not doing what it's told. But you have to be painstakingly careful, especially if you're doing it for the first time.