Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Legally spoken, Morrowind and Oblivion are two different games and it is stated by Bethesda over and over again that you are not allowed to use content from any other game in their works - and this includes their own games as well.

Another reason for them is that, if MW contents would be used in Oblivion, it would mean people who have not legally acquired MW would be able to get hold of stuff from the game. And this can't be in the interest of Bethesda as a game company.

I personally assume that we will give lots of our models a major haul over once we see how Oblivion works model-wise spoken and what textures they hold in stock for us. So for me none of the things we present here are 'final products' and any discussion about how good it looks should be postponed until their ready. Wink


Lady Nerevar: Quentin sums it up pretty good. It goes for all assets from other Elder Scrolls games, not just textures and meshes. Music, sound effects, maps etc.

I had an interesting conversation some time ago that made me aware of the difference between assets and content, because I had used the latter word to describe Bethesda's stance when the actual word they used was assets. Modders aren't forbidden from reusing certain content from Morrowind and other games, meaning for instance what the TES4: Vvardenfell team is doing is perfectly legal. They could theoretically reproduce TES3 using every quest, dialogue response, NPC, et cetera if they wanted, assuming no assets were used. What that means for our own mod - and I'm by no means an expert - is mostly that we can bring back all the old book manuscripts if we want.

Quentin Fortune: About your last paragraph... uhm... feel free to elaborate on your thoughts regarding that!