Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: voice acting / dialogue: advice, etc.
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I would like to know the best way to do voice acting that would be most compatible with the mods...
I believe I have a microphone somewhere and if not I can get one...

I think I can act Argonian, Orc, and Dunmer well enough...
as for the others, I am more than willing to try....

so, if you guys have any advice as to the programs to use and maybe tips on the voice.... that would be great!
also what to save as...

if you want to you can name a few generic lines...
for example:
"the prey approaches"
"hail, marshbrother"
"there is good hunting beyong the cities, good luck"
"I feel as though you are truly a friend"
"We're watching you... scum!"
"Lets not make this official outlander.... move along"
"Die Fetcher!"
"You N'wah!"
"Serjo, how do you do?"
"Drinks all around f'lah"
"you will not escape!"

I think I'll do those and if you guys have any furthur suggestions or requests let me know...
if I am just terrible and I don't know it... let me know! Wink
Not much will be done in the way of voice acting as of right now. I was wanting to wait until we start nearing the end of the project so when we come up with voice actors, they'll stay consistent throughout the mod, just in case their needed at a later time to correct or add new dialogue.

Quote:I would like to know the best way to do voice acting that would be most compatible with the mods...

The best way would be to just record your voice at the best of your abilities. Use microsoft's simple 'sound recorder', but I am using Sony Sound Forge 7.0, though the software doesn't have too much to do with the quality. That lies more on your microphone and sound card.

Quote:so, if you guys have any advice as to the programs to use and maybe tips on the voice.... that would be great!
also what to save as...

As I said, I use Sound Forge 7.0, but 'sound recorder' should work fine. I'll do all the editing for Silgrad Tower's voice acting, so you may just upload the original, uncompressed, and unoptimized file. That would work the best. Save it as .wav file, which will work just fine.

Quote:I think I'll do those and if you guys have any furthur suggestions or requests let me know...
if I am just terrible and I don't know it... let me know! Wink

Those samples will work fine for now, but as I said, there haven't been any plans yet for what we'll need. Also, if you suck, I'll be sure to let you know. :yes: Cool

thank you bunny with knife with no remorse whatsoever
whatever, thank you very much!

:party: :cheers: :cake: :dance: :crown: :bounce: :hug: :dunce: :love: :BW: :applause:

EDIT: sorry for the smilie party, it got out of hand.... I only invited one guy, I swear!
if anyone of you have gotten the latest newsletter from bethsoft youll see how they printed out all of the dialoge in nice books for the voice actors to read.

It could be possible (and porbebly not all that hard considering The CS's export feature) to arrange the dialoge and then save it as pdf files or what to provide a nice clean way for voice actors to know what lines they should speak. :-)
Voice acting should be the final step for any of these mods. I mean, the mods can even be implemented with text according to what I've heard. Of course, having a number of us in college with a lot of people around, I don't think voice acting would take much work. Simply have nice copies of all the dialogue as you described (it all needs to be written for the quests anyway ahead of time), and go from there. But yeah, very last thing on the list; we have plenty of time to work out how we want to do that.
For a few months I've been doing my best to find a good way to create my own in depth NPCs. The broad categories that work at the beginning:

Social Class
Personality Type

From here I break each category down into 3 or 4 subcategories (e.g. Appearance contains physical traits, equipment), write a background for the NPC, general motives/fears, fill in details (over 100) that includes giving them a name that matches and relationships to other NPCs, and then start on dialogue trees for the NPC. The minor NPCs I've made all share a basic dialogue tree shape but I try to give each NPC their own 10 unique topics with branching subtopics depending on how the PC interacts. And it works out to maybe 30 short paragraphs of unique dialogue for these minor NPCs. After NPC number three, I got down to a pretty quick routine. I really like creating believable NPCs and I'm eager to get the editor so I can transfer it over and see what it looks like.

Maybe a voice acting manager would take it from there? I think I'd be good at throwing out near-complete minor NPCs based on a criteria of how many needed to fill categories (e.g. x amount dunmer, x amount merchant, x amount peasant). Would that be useful?
Cool! Would you consider uploading a few samples so we can check 'em out?

If you have a lot of them you can zip them and upload them to the 'Audio' album in the gallery if you like. Smile Looking forward to them!
Yeah definitely, packaging a few right now.
Don't think I have permission to upload yet so I put them on a personal webpage:

What do ya think? I can probably crank out 3 or 4 like that a day easily.
I replied five minutes out of bed so I was probably still groggy and misinterpreted your post as dealing with voice work rather than dialogue, so that's why I suggested an upload to the Audio gallery. You have to register and log in there to upload anything though, in case you'd like to in the future, but it just takes a couple of seconds to do that.

The dialogue was really great though! :goodjob:
"Couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the bottom" ... :lmao:
If you could mod in that dialogue after the game's released I think that would be fantastic. :bananarock:

Under the "Yes" category though, Dagoth isn't Daedric. Smile In ancient times Dagoth was a Dunmer Great House, like Hlaalu or Redoran. But they sided on the loosing side in a huge battle and were brought to the brink of annihilation.
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