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This is how I imagine Murkwood, maybe a bit more thicker and darker. I hope that summer's expidition will bring good results...
I suppose you took those pictures)
Quote:Originally posted by Catlemur
I suppose you took those pictures)

Nope, these were picked from the internet...

Oh, and about the taraxacus flowers.. They are very popular in Russia ^^, In spring almost everything is covered with them... uploading some images of flowers, that usually grow with them...
Too colourful for Murkwood IMO. I'm actually thinking that Koniption's mossy trees might be best left for the Arnesian Jungle and Vudai Marsh. This would leave the Talu Swamps free to have tall, thin trees like those. I think that would combine quite well with the surrounding regions.
Ok, just tell me what trees, flowers and mushrooms need detailed exploring...
Well, a lot of it depends on what we can develop or get hold of. I see the Talu swamps as potentially a good place to use pines like those.

The trip may only serve to be a 'concept art' style indication of how it should look but here's a few pics of similar ideas: - shows the relation between the Talu area and the nearby Darkmoor, - this is loblolly pine (I doubt you'll come across it where you're going but you never know. There may be something similar. I like the thick bases of the trunks here.), - interesting locations like this can help with landscaping, and close-ups of water textures, barks and flora can sometimes help.
I think I can locate most of those during the trip... Some photographs can be used as textures (ground, tree bark, leaves), also we can film everything in detailised detail :lmao:, every bit and piece, and that can surely make modelling more easy.

Oh, btw.. the small white mushrooms(your attachment several posts above) are quite popular in Russia too, and they have some interesting specific features.

When born, it is clean white and fluffy, but in several weeks it becomes browner and browner, untill its cover gets thin and non-elastic. Inside it doesnt contain fungus meat anymore, but it's full of billions of tiny spores, and when disturbed, the mushroom pops(sometimes even blasts), erupting these green spores. This process visually is a copy of the spiddal gas erupting... So all this can be used in-game...
We like spiddal sticks...they'll come in useful methinks, even if it just means copying over their effects to one of our new models. That pic looks like a puffball...
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost
We like spiddal sticks...they'll come in useful methinks, even if it just means copying over their effects to one of our new models. That pic looks like a puffball...

It is a kind of pufball, if literally translated from russian it is a "rainshroom" or "grandfathers' tobacco" Smile
Ha, sounds cool!

Btw, I just managed to get in touch with Rickious about his concept art and models for Murkwood. I'm hoping we can salvage what he created and use it. It may put more work Koniption's way however, although these aren't high priority things seeing as they go beyond our beta regions...
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