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Location: Soulrest
Reward: 400 Gold, Assorted Gems and Stones

An argonian in Soulrest (preferably in a tavern), claims to be a former slave who was saved by the Nerevarine in Vvardenfall, about 5 years ago. But he says he wants to give justice to the Telvanni official who enslaved him, who luckily just happened to move to the Black Marsh, and he lives in a mine to the east of here. (The mine is inhabitated by mage bandits).

If you talk to the argonian again (do it anytime), he will tell you the reason the Telvanni official moved is because she was arrested by the Tribunal for illegal smuggling of slaves to Skyrim, but she managed to escape, and set up a camp in a mine they scoured before they entered.

Its simple just go to the mine (Named: Telvanni Gold Mine). Your target is called Galas Drenim (A Female Dunmer, remember her from Ebonheart?). Once you have cleared out the mine just return to Soulrest to talk to the argonian who gave you the quest (the mine is respawning one), who will reward you finely with 400 Gold and a bunch assorted gems and stones for your troubles.
That's a good start. Need to flesh out the details a bit though. For example, why did the Telvanni wizards move? Were they keeping slaves illegally in Morrowind? Or do they find their magical experiments easier to do in the marsh?

We should have more ex-slave characters in our mod, though. With a bit more work this could be a nice addition.
Not having played MW, some of this just goes over my head, I'm afraid.
Quote:Originally posted by Ibsen's Ghost
Not having played MW...

You haven't played the game to rule all games? :no: I can't help but feel pity.

Hehe - I'm kidding, but seriously, MW is a great game, better than OB IMO, however, moving onto MW from OB is mush harder than the other way round. Trust me, that's the order I did it in. But despite that, once you get into it, it's fantstic. I'd definitely put it in my top 10 games of all time.
Basically, in MW (when you were playing as the Nerevarine messiah of the Dunmer, but didn't know it yet) one of the standard dungeon types was a big cave filled with smugglers who had a big cage filled with half a dozen argonian or khajiit slaves. You had the option of freeing them when you killed the smugglers, but then they basically just... stood there staring into space. AI was terrible in that game, even though the rest was awesome.

The more important point is, though, that after Morrowind ended a ton of slaves got freed and I'm guessing a lot of them ran straight back home across the border. There will be a substantial minority of ex-slaves in Black Marsh, perhaps even setting up their own free towns...
Quote:Originally posted by Deeza
Basically, in MW (when you were playing as the Nerevarine messiah of the Dunmer, but didn't know it yet) one of the standard dungeon types was a big cave filled with smugglers who had a big cage filled with half a dozen argonian or khajiit slaves. You had the option of freeing them when you killed the smugglers, but then they basically just... stood there staring into space. AI was terrible in that game, even though the rest was awesome.
Oh, sweet memories...

Don't ask what the Nerevarine is, IG. To answer that you have to basically go through the whole lore and storyline of MW. It's better to look it up on UESPWiki or something.

AI is defintely one of the things I prefer in Oblivion to Morrowind. In Morrowind, most NPCs would stand in the same spot forever, and the ones who didn't would walk about 2 steps forward before turning round and coming back again.
Also, the combat in MW was incredibly hard for a low level character. When you're level 1, a rat can kill you easy! It's also a pain when you have to ready your spells. By the time it's ready, you're on half health, then you cast a spell which will probably fail! I much prefer using weapons to spells.

Sorry - fairly off-topic post here. You may continue...
Quote:Originally posted by jucklesjenk

Don't ask what the Nerevarine is, IG. To answer that you have to basically go through the whole lore and storyline of MW. It's better to look it up on UESPWiki or something.

Short version: Nerevar was a Dunmer dude thousands of years ago who was pretty much King of what's now Morrowind. He found out the Dwemer were planning to use a magic rock called the Heart of Lorkhan in the middle of Red Mountain to turn themselves into gods. He figured this was a big threat to the Dunmer so he attacked the Dwemer in an epic battle that ended with the Dwemer magically nuking themselves out of existence by accident. Unfortunately, his general (Vivec), wife (Almalexia), wizard (Sotha Sil) and best friend (Dagoth Ur) figured out what the heart was for, so they murdered Nerevar and became the Dunmer gods.

Basically in Morrowind you played as Nerevar come back from the dead to kick some ass. You only find this out towards the very end of the main quest though. Then you go on a killing spree and take out Dagoth Ur, Almalexia and Vivec (though that last one's optional). Sotha Sil, it turns out, had already been dead for years. That's why Morrowind is in such a mess right now.
That sheds some light. Thank you! It's a better storyline than OB's already...
And if you want to know what happened in the official expansion, a big bunch of werewolves turn up and decide to have a freak out. You kill them all, become one yourself then have a fistfight with a frost giant and then a Daedra Lord (Hircine). You kick both of their asses. Then a giant glacier blows up. Oh, and there's also a flying airship and a cool palace made out of ice.
Bloodmoon was awesome! Also, it had very good lore for an expansion IMO. Everything there was really tough, though. If your character was below level 20, going to Solstheim was like signing your death warrant. =)

Oh, and by the way (not that it really matters), you only kill Almalexia and find out about Sotha Sil in the Tribunal expansion. In normal MW, you only meet Vivec and kill Dagoth Ur.
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