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Thought it would be best to summarise all this in one thread. It seems from the way we've developed it that every tribe has several villages, which makes a lot of sense actually, the villages are a bit small on their own and it would make sense if each grouping of them was related. So, thus far we've got:

1. The Ka Pura - pretty much all of the tribes in the beta region. Aggressive and surly, don't much care for the Empire and their ways, but nevertheless more used to outsiders due to their greater exposure. Most of them know how to speak Imperial (english).

2. The Agacephs - people of the southern central area of the marsh. Very brightly coloured and skinny, they have narrow pointy snouts (from the Argonian account). Pretty friendly and outgoing by argonian standards. Refuse to speak Imperial.

3. The An Xileel - hardcore conservatives of Murkwood and the deep marsh. More of an organisation than a tribe, nevertheless most of them are probably related. Openly hostile towards everything foreign, they plot the overthrow of the Royal Court and Empire.

4. The Arnesians - warrior culture in the north of the Marsh, near the border with Morrowind. Have been fighting a guerilla against the Dunmer for centuries, they're now losing badly against Rethan Dres and his army. Embittered and xenophobic, as you might expect. Make up the majority of the slave population in Morrowind.

5. The Sea People - mostly aquatic argonians who hang out in the mangrove swamps along the coasts. Not much known about them (they're our own invention), but in KK's old lore they were fairly friendly, though they keep themselves to themselves.
Am I correct in believing that according to the Infernal City, the An-Xileel succeed in overthrowing the government in Black Marsh?

If not, can you please explain what does happen to the government in BM?
Yes, you're right. The Empire doesn't get kicked out of BM completely for a while yet, and it's more of a slow fading away than a violent takeover. They got crippled during the Oblivion Crisis and never recovered their position in the Marsh.

The Royal Court (our own faction) is another story. We know that their capital and military centre, Lilmoth, is run by the An-Xileel 20 years from now. This means that in order to square our mod with the lore, they're going to go sooner or later.

This could be a problem if they're a playable faction (although we could have the option of a "phyrric victory" if the player completes their campaign).
On the subject of the tribes, it might help to link this to our existing Argonian races, of which there are currently seven: 'normal' Argonian, Saurian, Aurak, Baaz,
Bozak, Kapak and Sivak. The last five come from the Draconian mod whilst the Saurians are Fire Legion's invention. We should be okay to change the names, if necessary.

We already have some of these walking around as citizens and it should prove possible to match them up to a tribe. The Sea People, for example, would suit the Saurians who are also our principal shamanic race. Go check the stats for the races if you wish to match them up and rename them. As long as the in-game name is altered then this could be easily done...and the tribes needn't stick together exclusively. You might even have less fanatical members of the Ka'Pura walking around cities...except for Pholmolo, where they'd all be pretty surly and unapproachable.
So would the An-Xileel currently be a badly organised faction at the moment, or a more "up and coming" faction with several established strongholds?
Hmm. Personally I like the idea of having the races mixed up a bit among all the tribes, though I agree some should be much more common in certain places. I'll take a look at it.

We'll still need a new race for the Agacephs though. Their distinctive colouring and appearance would be hard to do otherwise. Should be relatively easy to do by tweaking the nifs slightly...
Sea people can live in bungaloos.
Yes, the Agacephs do sound quite expert Photoshopper could handle that. We can then elongate the snouts in the CS when making the race...