Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Texture request Steadhelm Sentinel
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Pages: 1 2
Just so you know I've neither forgotten nor abandoned this job, I took another look at it last weekend. I've decided there isn't enough actual copy to fill the page - no reflection on Deeza's text: it's just astounding how many words it takes to fill a newspaper. Probably why so many of them are full of drivel....

Anyway: the plan now is to use the lower rez, which matches the Black Horse and the Cuttle; have the bulk of the text as lorem ipsum and too small to read; with just the headline and first para large enough to be legible.

Meanwhile, back to the day job....
Thanks for the update! Smile
It's been a long wait, but I've finally gotten around to finishing these textures off.

In the attached file are:
The texture - masthead for the Steadhelm Sentinal.

The texture pair StMdSentinal00default - a generic page which doesn't relate to any specific content.

The remaining seven textures each relate to one of Deeza's front pages. If you want to use them you should be able to work out which is which from the name against Deeza's headline.

I kept the texture size down to match the usual papers because otherwise the copy was too legible and there isn't enough to fill a broadsheet page. This way the copy isn't really legible on the texture, although the headline and the drop-cap for the first paragraph can just about be made out. After the first para it's all lorem ipsum.

If you like the added immersion you get from the extra textures that's great - if you just want to use one generic then I won't mind. Much.
Thanks! Smile

I was away for a couple of days, I'll check the files asap.
Nice work and thanks! :goodjob:

I'll use the various textures you made.
Great - glad they fit the bill. :check:
Pages: 1 2