Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Kothringi Head
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JKJ has very kindly said we can use this model (download here: ) which was originally made for the Topal Isle part of Elseweyr. It's a Kothringi statue in the style of Easter Island, and I think it would look great on the mainland.
Sure, it's cute. Many thanks to JKJ! :goodjob:
Hmm. I reckon we should have a few of these along the shore outside Soulrest, perhaps?

Hopefully when llamaranger gets back he'll be able to start on the "ruined" versions of the Kothringi buildings. It would be nice to get some into the beta if it's possible.
Kothringi are from Easter Islands? Wink
They are now.

I'm in favour of using these East of Soulrest along the beach-head. We might have a dungeon of some kind nearby...
Quote:Originally posted by Catlemur
Kothringi are from Easter Islands? Wink

Apparently! The beach head sounds good Ibsen. Ideally it would be a Kothringi dungeon....