Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Khajiiti Cities (ruined or otherwise)

1) Ne Quin-al*
Ne-Quin-Al was the ancient capital of Anequina. It was sacked shortly after the unification of Elsweyr in 2E309 by tribal rebels protesting the Union. As far as I can see from maps, it is located northwest of Orcrest. - JKJ

2) Pa'alatiin*
3) T'rho-vjal (Torval)**
4) Sjin J'al (Senchal)**
5) M'jothra
6) Al Athriit
7) Ah Ahjabi
8) Ra'Droziir
9) N'Rajiik
10) Ra Jodirr
11) Kha-J'al
12) Athraj Al
13) Bhariit-al
14) Ra'darji
15) Khath Ra'ja
16) Do-Rajiin

*- Existing name
**- Ancient root word, for modern equivalents

[Image: TemplesMapF.jpg]