Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: getting in to blackmarsh
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how do you get into blackmarsh is it in the same worldspace and/or what are the console commands.
Hello black marsh modder, and welcome to Black Marsh! Smile

Black Marsh is in its own worldspace.

I can't tell you the console command off the top of my head, but I can tell you that to get the best out of it, make it first in the load order after Oblivion.esm
If you don't mind traveling to Stormhold, you can use this command:

Player.MoveTo BMXJMarkerGateGuardStand01

If that doesn't work, try replacing BMXJMarkerGateGuardStand01 with xx000F9A where xx is the number for BlackMarsh.esm's load order position. If it is loaded just after Oblivion.esm, the number will be 01. If it is loaded elsewhere, you can use Wrye Bash to easily find it's position number.
the best way is to "cow WorldspaceName x,y" where WorldspaceName is the name of the BM worldspace and x,y is the cooridnate string where you want to end up.
So you're here to mod? Please check this thread first: New Modders Start Here . Thanks and welcome!

Try going into your console (this key ` ) and type cow blackmarshes -18,7

This should take you to the small town of Sloughpoint.

Please let me know what your modding skills are and if there is anything particular that you specialise in.
thanks just about all of you i'll go on the thread