Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Just an idea I had, tell me if it's silly....

It occurred to me that Khajiiti sacred sites (for example, the city of Torval) could be laid out according to a plan related to the two moons - that is, there is a larger and a smaller part to the city.

In some cases this would be as simple as a large temple in a circular compound with a smaller one in a smaller circular compound next to it. But perhaps Torval could be built entirely according to this plan?

(Quick sketch attached)
Confusedhrug: Shall not the toms of the Manes be in a better place?
I was thinking of having a road outside the city with tombs on either side, like they did in ancient Greece and Rome:

Different architecture of course, but you get the idea.
Can't use that sort of city plan, Illiana's Orcrest uses a plan very similar, with two circular districts connected by a walkway thing -you can see an overview here.

Another problem being that it's too planned, and planning being something I wouldn't think the Khajiit are the best at.
Ah, yes. Oh well, never mind then.