Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Just an idea but can you guys work with the guy who made Elsweyr Anequina because he is almost done and he is missing the cities like Senchal and Torval, which I think is already done in this mod. So if you guys worked with him then it would be finished in only a month of maybe three, but it will take alot less time.

Edited by The Old Ye Bard, due to the annoying caps.
Thanks for the suggestion, we already did think about this and decided not to. There are a lot of reasons:

1. Their mod is in the Oblivion worldspace, ours is not. This would cause compatibility problems.

2. They have many different ideas to us and we would disagree on many points.

3. We are aiming to be more accurate to lore than their mod is.

4. In short, they have their own vision for Elseweyr, we have ours. We are not in competition.
Please don't write posts in caps.

And agreed on Deeza on all points, we are a differnt mod, with a differnt goal, albeit similar.