Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hi everyone.

I've been inactive for the past week trying to upgrade my computer, but I've been busy hunting down resources for us to use. Just to let you know, JKJ has said that when morcroft is done with making these fine models:

Ancient Lunar Temples of Elsweyr

We will be allowed to make use of them. Blackrose was once a Lilmothlit city, and according to what scattered references I an find they were very similar culturally to the Khajiit. My new plan for the city of Blackrose is to have it built up around a huge temple like this in the centre.

In other news:

I have also talked to Phitt and he has said that we are welcome to use all of the resources from his Sheogorad mod which he has already offered to Silgrad Tower. Once he releases the beta, we'll be allowed to use the rest too, but that will be some months away. I'm hoping to use his Velothi stuff for the cities of Archon and Thorn in the east.

So basically, that means we're on course to get a unique architecture set for all of the remaining cities except Lilmoth and Helstrom.
So that's why you were after me for matching buildings...!

Seriously, though - BM's obviously welcome to these if there's a logical crossover with Elsweyr - they're a bit too distinctive to be coincidentally similar.

I wouldn't recommend scaling the temples any bigger than they are - the doors are about 10 - 12 feet high now and would be out of scale if bigger. Depends on your definition of "huge" - I think they're quite bijou as monumental edifices go....
Yep, I think the current size should be fine. There will probably be a few more recent Imperial towers built on top though.
archon already has the makings of a tileset Smile
Oh really, did you make one? Got any screenshots? The Velothi stuff would be even better if it was mixed in with later buildings.
yes it was ages ago, but it was quite velothi inspired I think, I need to check whether it snaps to grid etc. and its likely I forgot a few tricks I know now as I was new to modelling back then

That would be great if you could brush them up. Maybe even add a couple new bits if the fancy takes you? Big Grin
I've had those things squatting in my archive for some time, knowing that Archon was a long way from the beta regions. They'll need to have the cobwebs brushing off them but it would be interesting to see what you would do with them. I could never really understand how the separate pieces fit together.

@ morcroft - Great work on those temples. This stuff is perfect for BM! I'm amazed you hadn't mentioned them tbh. I don't want to make Elsweyr and BM stuff too similar but this clearly fits the desired style. For BM, I'd make other choices than the other buildings in the background though so I guess that's fine.
Two main reasons I didn't mention the temples, really:
1) I only made them in the last week or so, based on concept art generated for Elsweyr with a very Khajiit-based theme, so I just didn't think of BM
2) I'm just totally intimidated by how fantastic sHAdowgAme's Hist temple modelling is !!! Big Grin

The other background buildings in the screenies are just an existing town in Elsweyr: I stuck the temple there for context. As Deeza's been after me for more buildings, I'm looking at extending the temple set generally, including some blocky outbuildings and retexing some of the architecture/stonewalls stock meshes to match. Per conversations with The Old Ye Bard: it's kind of Aztec / Inca / Ancient Egypt fusion stuff. I'll keep you in the loop, Ibsen.
Big Grin SG's work is pretty cool, I must admit.

We kind of share a theme there with respect to the Aztec/Inca culture but have shifted a little more of the emphasis towards the Mayans. Egypt is definitely not an area that fits in BM though. Too 'deserty' for us....

We may have slightly different textures, perhaps....anyway, great work and thanks again! :goodjob:
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