Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Sadrith Mora: Home of Telvanni
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Quote:Originally posted by Ebonyknight
Kul sorry for puttin in this thread but I'm playin silgrad and I only have 1 quest for traders guild Sad
....didn't you post it in the post on the Silgrad forum? Rolleyes

is there any other plugins or such lol?
Quote:Originally posted by Ebonyknight

is there any other plugins or such lol?
they said they never got to finish....
if you'd like to have a hand in helping Silgrad....
maybe you can help them develope quest ideas for the TES4: Silgrad Tower's Traders Guild?
sure where do i give the quest ideas lol?
Quote:Originally posted by Ebonyknight
sure where do I give the quest ideas lol?
start a quest idea thread for Traders Guild in Silgrad Tower forum under Oblivion under General?
Can we move this? :eek:

anyway, the summoning of more armies sounds awesome to me, legions of zombies and daedra...its beautiful ;(
I wouldn't say legions....
Dunmer in general hate necromacer... though ironically they practice a restricted form of it....
Telvanni use certain types, but remember, the guards aren't using undead as armies, just to take down criminals

now if you are talking about open battle... maybe....
but also, Daedra is harder to say... the Daedra aren't fully under your control... you summon it and it does what it wants or it agrees to you... not too reliable but better than most undead...
You have a point... I keep forgetting about the Temple restricting everything. But the guards already use Bonewalkers, and if Daedra were to attack... ;(
dammit there I go again
Hey, whoever is in the lead of the Telvanni Quest line, post a list of all the buildings that will be needed so I can fit them in before putting in the extra buildings

  1. we have no Telvanni faction leader so I shall be it
  2. it is your job to find and catalogue all the Sadrith Mora buildings and NPCs
  3. it is your job to put in the new buildings

of course, everyone can pitch in to help everyone else out
and a few suggestions.... I think the entire Zafirbel Bay should have lots of mushrooms... and that Sadrith Mora actually be in an island with a forest of mushrooms... so that besides the roads in the town, it is all hills and mushrooms and mushroom buildings...
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