Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Hey, (I didn't know which section to put this in) I was just wandering what people where going to use when the Holy Grail of Gaming arrives, just for curiousity and to better gauge people's personalities

I'm going Dark Elf all the way!
I've always identified myself with the Bretons. Smile
I can tell by your avatar
I like Dark Elves the best, but I have my eyes on the Nords and Imperials as well. Wink
well I am mostly an Argonian fan....
but I play Orcs and Dunmer too...

despite my disagreement with a lot of Dunmer life... they are just so cool...
Orcs, Dunmer, and Argonians.... dreugh and goblins if you wanna count them
Ah...uhm...didn't think about that yet. In Morrwind my guy was an imperial witch hunter, because i liked alchemy plus summoning.
I have chosen different races in all the ES games that I have played, so i will know when I actually get the game. It will depend on what the different races offer this time around. Not only skills and attributes, but appearance too. Vane, perhaps, but true.
Wow, who picked the Nords?
nord as usual.
:k: :h: :a: :j: :i: :i: :t:! Big Grin
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