Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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I really didn't want to deal with the igmos at the Elder scrolls boards so I've come here for this Question:

I'm starting a new Vamp npc and I want to become a Quarra from the beginning

I did this
open console
typed (exactly)
set pcvampire to 0
then enter
startscript vampire_quarra_pc
then enter


I have Quarra clan fix, Quarra Clan, Vampire Embrace, Giants, Carnithus Arm., Vampire Realism, scripted spells, better bodies and Better Heads

What am I doing wrong????
Would you not use:

set pcvampire 1


Also, check to make sure that the script name you typed is the same script that plugin uses.
Posted 2006-02-13 12:56 C.E.T.:
I got the script off of Embrace so it should work

I'll try that (O really didn't make since)

Posted 2006-02-14 21:36 C.E.T.:
Oi, it didn't work... I'll try making a robe with 1000% weakness to disease and 100 restore health constant (this will be thrown away afterward)
Just a horrible thought - you didn't type O instead of 0 by mistake did you? Confusedhrug:
Nope didn't work
(sorry about the double) And my robe idea doesnt work, even if I ramped the difficulty up to 100

Is there anything I could do with the construction kit to the disease? Make it easier to get?
You can't assign the disease to the player via CS. What you could do though, is put a low level vampire somewhere easily accessible at the beginning of the game, and fight it. Wink