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Full Version: Cyrodilic Opinions of Tsaesci and the Akaviri Man
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Since the surrendering of the Akaviri horde to Reman Cyrodiil, the Tsaesci and the Akaviri Humans have played a pivotal role in Tamriel, beginning their apex of influence at the end of the First Era, with the assasination of the last of the Reman line and the Potentate Versidue-Shaie assumes control over the empire, which carries though to his heir Potentate Savirien-Chorak, and roughly a hundred years later is assasinated himself.

Since Potentate Savirien-Chorak was assasinated, the opinions regarding Akaviri has been mixed, during the Potentate's regime and for years after the downfall, opinions about Akaviri (especially Tsaesci) was poor, which was brought to a culmination when the warlod Attrebus took the Throne during the chaos of the common era(created by the power vaccum created by the Potentate's Assasination), and backed by public support, forced those of Akaviri descent from Cyrodiil.
Fleeing to Elsweyr, the Khajiit granted them asylum in their Rim lands in the North-West (possibly because Potentate Savirien-Chorak had favoured Elsweyr, having his palace in Senchal), where they established the city now known as Rimmen (or, as is more likely, expanded/built over an older Khajiiti Settlement), though in the years to follow they would seek to return to Cyrodiil, when remenants of the Dir-Kamal saught to ascend the throne, and help them do so, however like all the other contenders of the Common Era (and like Attrebus before them), the attempt was doomed to fail- the Khajiiti at this point tried to reclaim their lands (possibly due to the Akaviri/Rim Men trying to leave for Cyrodiil), which sparked a succesion of Border Wars (most likely between Anequina Clan of the North and Rimmen).

After this point, nothing majorly eventful happens in Rimmen for the next few hundred years, though it can be assumed to a limited degree the Akaviri Humans (being more accepted than Tsaesci, of which the Cyrodiil's to this day describe as "serpentine, not only in temperament, but in physical appearance") spread back into Cyrodiil (though most likely isolated to the Imperial City), ascending into the aristocracy (where in by creating a culture in which having traits of Akaviri Men, or Surnames became fashionable).

Skipping ahead to the rise of Tiber Septim, he sees the Akaviri as a strength (much like Reman Cyrodiil does), reforming the remenants of Reman's Dragon Guard into what is now known as The Blades, and annexing the Rim/Rimmen from Elsweyr (firstly for aquiring the land for the halls of colossus, but secondly for the Akaviri's tactical knowledge and skill in war, such as Akaviri weapondry, the use of Dragons, and so on) -so much so was Tiber Septim's fascination with Akaviri culture, that the Red Dragon was adopted into the Imperial insignia (of which the Red Diamond was taken from the earlier Reman Empire), and most definetly saw a rise in respect for those with Akaviri descent in the Courts of Cyrodiil, however it would seem prejudices against the Tsaesci remained since no more solid records of their presence is seen in Cyrodiil -though it is likely that they continued to live on, probably in small numbers, in Rimmen to this day.
I thought that Tsaesci hated the dragons as they are at war with Ka Po.Maybe the Blades got influensed by Ka Po.
Quote:Originally posted by Catlemur
I thought that Tsaesci hated the dragons as they are at war with Ka Po.Maybe the Blades got influensed by Ka Po.

It would be good if you read up on lore before trying to contribute Cattlemur.

1) Tsaesci don't hate dragons, they 'ate' the Red Dragons, which is a metaphor to the assimilation (like the Akaviri Men) into their culture and society.

2) Ka Po'Tun have never been sited on Tamriel.

Please spend some time reading over at The Imperial Library, and in future, before posting make sure to check the lore over at TIL first.