Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Is this mod dead, then? It's not even listed on the main site anymore, though you can still get to it via Google Searches.

Also, on a side note, other than Silgrad Tower, do any of the other mods have quests? A main one or otherwise? Finished, that is.

Finally, anyone want a writer? My writing has evolved from its less than mediocre style a couple of years ago.
You might want to take a look at the individual mods about the quests and what work has been released.

The same is true for volunteering skills. If you like one, post in that forum and volunteer.
Seigfrid is currently transfering what remains of Skyrim's files over to Onra's heightmaps.
There will be a release sometime later this summer with 3 or 4 cities, a number of dungeons, and a complete heightmap in the Tamriel worldspace.

After that initial release I'm not sure what will happen.