Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Senjus NPC idea
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Hello this is my first thread on these forums. nice to meet you all.

this is my idea and dont chew my head off if its not a new one.

its regarding the npc behavior.
khajiit are the primary race in Elsweyr and they are of a humanoid feline look for many of them as the lore goes they worship the moons.

the idea that goes with this is very simple. CATS are NOCTURNAL!
sleep in the day work and wander at night. This makes a lot of sense if you think about it. they are moon worshiping feline men. just simple.
so why not make all of the npcs function the same.

tell me your thoughts on this.
I do not like walking at night,but I think that a part of the might stay awake during the night so you can trade with them e.t.c. (in towns).
It does make sense for some Khajiit to awake, and offer services at night (given their reverence of the moons, and their Night-Eye Ability), though a majority of Khajiit wouldn't have this sleeping pattern due to the fact they have to interact with other races (whom have more standard sleeping paterns).

We'll take this under advisement when we come to making Npcs and A.I. packages later on in development.
I think we should definitely have some people out and about at night. If nothing else it would add a bit more life and variety to the cities.