Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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Wayrest Side quest #1- Cats don't have 9 lives
Your walking in Wayrest then you go in to a back alley and see this Khajiit named S'Ratha (yea from elder scrolls:redgaurd) then he approaches you and says "The Lesser lords of High Rock have discovered that I sell skooma to people all over High Rock from a addict Breton named Sulit Chanenpar he says that I was forcing skooma on him I know exactly why he told them its because I didn't give him enough skooma for his money's worth, now the Lesser lords of High Rock are going to do all in their power to take me to jail! please I don't want to go to jail!"

Then you have a choice to say "Well your fault you got caught" then walk away and theres no quest or you can say "How can I help?". Then S'Ratha says "I need you to deliver this skooma to Sulit its the amount that he should of got this will probably make him tell them it wasn't me".

Then you find Sulit somewhere in Wayrest and give him the skooma then he says "Well looks like I got what I paid for finally ok I will inform the lesser lords of High Rock that S'Ratha didn't do it I will say that it was another Khajiit."

Then you go back to S'Ratha and tell him the news and he says "Thank you so much heres some skooma!" then you get 5 bottles of skooma.

The quest is not over you wait a day then S'Ratha runs up to you and says "You saved me from the law but Sulit framed a criminal by the name of Grsharjii and Grsharjii scared Sulit into telling him who really sold the skooma which is me, now a criminal is after me and he wants to KILL me, by Azura I am just a feeble suthay-raht skooma dealer I couldn't even kill a mudcrab."

Now you have two choices you can either convince S'Ratha to flee back to Elsweyr or you could kill Grsharjii. If you kill Grsharjii then you will get all of Grsharjii's loot he has a artifact from Stros' mkai that he stole a long time ago and no one ever knew this artifact is callled The plaque of Cyrus its a plaque honoring Cyrus of Stros mkai it sells for 6000 in hammerfell and it sells for 500 in high rock and 10 gold in Cyrodill.

If you convince S'Ratha to go back to Elsweyr to flee then he will give you Cyrus's cutlass as a reward and he says "You have helped me greatly im going back home and I don't need this anymore pass it down to someone you are a friend with as I have for this cutlass was used by my old friend Cyrus of Stros mkai goodbye friend!" This Cutlass is useless in combat because of its worn down condition and sells for only 20 gold in High Rock and 6 gold in Cyrodill because the name Cyrus is scratched off of the sword's hilt so no one can acutally tell if its cyrus's cutlass.

(but it really is)

Wayrest side quest #2- The Madman

Your walking outside of Wayrest and you spot a Breton in strange clothing (lower class patched clothing from shivering isles). Then you walk up to the man and say "What province are you from?" then he says ooooh... the colors... PRETTY PRETTY COLORS.... ya know... my wife is a dog.... and my father is Akatosh ya know.... also I have 5 fingers on each hand... im not supposed to though because im a sload..." Then you just walk away from him because he is obviously insane.

Then you go to the lord of Wayrest's Manor and ask him about the madman outside the town and he says "Yea we don't know where he came from and we don't know what culture has that ridiculous clothing that hes wearing... he makes animal noises every night and he cuts his clothes and also he NEVER sleeps he is becoming a nusaunce to this town." then you either leave now or say "Is there anything I can do to help?" Then the lord of Wayrest says "Im afraid we don't know how to get rid of him without killing the poor fellow but if you find a way please get him out of here you don't have to report to me, to me when hes gone so you can get your reward." Then you leave the manor but the quest is not over.

A day passes then a imperial named Reterius Kvinchius approaches you and says "I hear you were looking for ways to get rid of the madman outside of town hmmm.... well... I can help you with that." Then you say "How?" Then he says "You see this "madman" came from Meridia's daedric realm of colored rooms, a collection of realms belonging to the Daedric princess Meridia, from what I can tell he came from Meridia's more civillized realms but he was kicked out because he tresspassed into Meridia's realm from Sheogorath's realm "The Shivering Isles", I know this because he told me himself I know how to manipulate the mind of the mad to spit out the truth." Then you say "But how do I get rid of him?" Then Reterius says "All you have to do is give him this worship book on Azura then kill him so he goes to the Realm of Azura because if we just killed him now he would come back instantly because hes already been kicked out of Meridia and Sheogorath's realms, so go do that it will work good luck." Then you recieve the worship book on Azura and run over to the madman then you give him the book and kill him.

You then go to the Lord of Wayrest and tell him the solution. The Lord of Wayrest says "Reterius is one of our best mages and Daedric expert so I believe the madman is in Azura's realm right now going crazy over the smell of perfume well heres your reward the boots of the madman I took it from him while he was asleep these are special boots, goodbye!" The boots make you walk on water and run 10x faster.

Wayrest Side quest #3- Not even a Lord's wife is honest
I hate skooma dealers but the quest sounds nice.Maybe S'Ratha can appear in the Elsweyr Confederacy mod if he will survive.
Khajiit don't live for 450 years. He can be named S'Rathra in a homage, but it wouldn't be the same person.
thanks Big Grin
For example name him S'Rahur e.t.c.
I'm not sure I like the first one, it seems a bit too generic. I do, however, like the idea that a Khajiit mercenary could be operating out of Wayrest (as a tribute to Redguard, perhaps they could even claim to be descended from the famous S'Rathra). It might be possible to include that as a character.

The second quest is more interesting. The idea of a guy who keeps coming back from Oblivion is an interesting idea, as is sending him to a different realm. Thing is, normally when mortals die, they don't end up in Oblivion anyway, unless they make a pact with a Daedric Prince, so this guy would have to be a sorceror of some kind to get himself into this mess in the first place. Rather than annoying the town, he could perhaps be a threat of some sort hiding in one of the abandoned castles in the countryside.

I really like the second quest but yes, lore dictates that to go to Oblivion, they must have come in contact and struck a deal with a prince.

The reward is a bit much i think. And another lore pointout, there is no such thing as a Deardric Princess, only Deadric Princes. They have no gender even if their voice or appearence is girlish.

Yours Sincerely;