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Quote:Originally posted by KuKulzA
anyhow I think Hla Oad can now develope quests.... anyone want to come up with some?
[bump] for dutchman!
ok here we go: this is the first part of my hlaalu and hla oad story's:

all the mission are playable without being member of house hlaalu, only the second part of the pirate quest is house hlaalu.

recently a group of pirates are working together to ambush the trading ships of hlaalu.
the captain of the guard in hla oad is in need of a warrior to search out this pirates and find the leader.

mission 1. finding some pirates:
the local rumors tell that there were seen some suspicious loking men close to a cave. they could be pirates.
maybe you should check out on them.
the cave itself is not big and the pirates are easy to find. but there are 2 ways of getting info out of them.
1: convince them of helping you
2: just kill them and look for evidence on them(this is the hard way)

mission 2: the evidance shows the pirates in the cave were under lead of captain crawly.
this captian is searched by many, but never had they found him. you need to find a way to become a pirate and join him.
you should try searching in gnaar mok because that's were the pirates usually sell their stuff.

once arrived in gnaar mok you go to the local trade house. you ask around a bit and find out of the smuggler cave under the building.
you should try and check out that cave.
in the cave you talk to some guys and find one that is recruiting pirates. you are accepted and you will be tested the next day.

mission 3: when you go report back in hla oad he will ask you to kill the captian of the pirates.
back in gnaar mok you get tested by a investigator(you must answer quistions to convince them of your loyalty)
next you will be brought to the ship. here you must wait for the night to kill the captain when nobody is around and then search his local logs.

you find some very interesting information in the logs, you also find the next targed of the pirates

mission 4: when you report this you will be sent to that ship to ambush the pirates and finally find out the name of the boss.
(this will be a semi hard mission with a fight on the ship(with companions and a load of pirates. you must win this fight to go on.

on one of the pirates you find a letter with coordinates. you take this back to hla oad...

mission 5: the pirate meeting
the coordinates are the place of a meeting of the pirates, you and a few hlaalu guard are sent to finish them off.
as soon as you arrive there you will notice a lot of pirates hanging around and a big fight begings.
slowly you and your men are losing to the enormous amount of pirates so you hide and watch the meeting. when doing this you find out
that the telvani are coordinating this pirates.

you quikly run to hla oad to tell this inportant news.

mission 6: finish off

the pirate story is becoming beyond the jurestiction of the hla oad captain. so you are directly sent to the hlaalu grandmaster in rethan manor.
there you are ordered to go back with a group of experienced warrior to slay of the pirates.

(very hard mission and also the last of the pirate missions)

this is the end of the hla oad pirate missions. i now go on with normal mission in hla oad. you get the next mission from the hla oad people and have nothing to do with house hlaalu..

hla oad normal mission 1: a thief has been active lately and you were ask to find him, i was seen running to the west, so he must be somewhere out there
search in caves, small reward.

hla oad normal mission 2: a pack of nix hounds is blocking the way to balmora, you were asked to kill them all,
small reward

hla oad normal mission 3: with the deadra becoming very active lately also the dreugh in a underwater cave near hla oad also have,
kill them and bring their wax to the local smith, moderate reward, harder mission.

hla oad large mission 4: you were ask by a mysterious lady to excort here to balmora, on the way you were attacked by some dark brotherhood assassins,
the lady asks you to find who ordered this, and you find a letter on the assassin with the letter v on it, go back to the lady to get your reward.

hla oad large mission 4 part 2: the lady now ask you to excort here to vivec, again you were attacked by assassins, again a letter with v on it was found
go back to the lady to get a reward,

hla oad large mission 4 part 3: you and the lady go back to hla oad and she asks you to go to ranan welothis, he must know where the v stands for, there you find out that his brothers
uses the v as his sign, the lady ask you to kill him
go back to get your last reward of the lady.

hla oad huge mission 5: rumor says that ranan welothis is searching a warrior,
when you get to him he tells you that his brother is dead(dhu you did it) he was member of the blades and was obsurving a lady called Netherine Valonas.
she is a daedric priest that was fleeing for the ordinators the blades were assingned to follow here, she noticed and ordered fake attacks on here to give a reason to
let somebody(you) kill the blade, the brother now asks you to follow the priest and find out were she is going.

you follow here to some daedric ruins and deside to report to Ranan.

hla oad huge mission 5 part 2: Ranan tells you to go back to the runes and try to kill here.
when you come there a group of daedric creatures is waiting for u. You get a involved in a fight and win with a big deal of luck,
on one of them you find a ring

when you put it on a secret door opens, and you can go deeper into the ruins, on the way down a large number of enemies tries to stop you.
when you enter the lower catacombs you see a group of priest in some sort of ritual. you attack them but you cant hit them, they begin to speak to you.

dont put your nose in othermens business weakling, you disturbed our ritual but we dont have time to play with you,

the next thing you know is that they teleported away,

the next part of this story can only be started after you have finished the pirates quests

feel free to post suggestions..
make a background story... not just random quests...
I know, its more work... but if you build an atmosphere, the player will not be ordered to do random stuff but be in a world where things are happening.. why is the lady being targeted, she is and is probably rich or has done bad things or whatever but why?
you should try to make a story behind the quests
still busy doing that, it is not the last of the lady you will see..
Quote:Originally posted by dutchman
still busy doing that, it is not the last of the lady you will see..
good good :yes:
edited the story..

all the mission are playable without being member of house hlaalu, only the second part of the pirate quest is house hlaalu.

i go on the story in this thread(i'm not done with you guys, there is coming a lot more..)

hla oad huge mission 5 part 3: Ranan tells you that after the attack on the pirates there was also a daedric priest killed, evidence on him revealed that the priests went to
a daedric schrine near vivec, but with your current powers you cant defeat them, he tels you to go to "insert name here"in hla oad, he will train you to destroy the priests.

when you arrive at the person he ask you to do first a few little quests for him.
1: get some dwemer stuff
2: kill some bandits
3: find some stuff
4: and more of the like

when you are done with this quests he will train you(you dont go a level up so it wont unbalance the game)

you are now ready to kill the daedric priests.

hla oad huge mission 5 part 4: killing some daedric scum..
go to the daedric shrine, wenn you go in you realise this isn't going to be easy.
on your long way down you find labyrints with lots and lots of traps and of course creatures.
maker can decide how this is going to look for himself

as you step into the first big room you're attacked by one of the priests(hard one this is going to be)
finish him off and proceed into the next room, by this team you get some reinforcements from the blades because this is going to be hard, very hard..
in this room you can rest and then go on to the next room.
in this room are 5 priests(it would be good if this would be really difficult but also fun..
this will be one of the bigger fights in the game i hope.

after you have done this(it will take a while) you can proceed into the last chamber. your companions will be killed with one blast of the lady's attack.
you are now alone against the lady,
first you have a talk, the things that are going to happen now will decide how strong she will be in battle.
you have a certain time to collect a few things in the room, next you must run for at least 5 of the attacks of her.

it depents on how much items you have collected how strong she will be.

the final battle is beginning now and you must kill the lady.

go back to ranan welothis to get your reward.
I might have to start the exterior modding for Hla Oad again because of a few problems I was having. I also failed to notice last time the move further south next to the Odai River. Are we still going for that (having the town next to the River Odai)? I figured that if I'm going to start again, I should clarify what exactly is happening, and I like the idea of having it near the Odai River rather than right on the coast like last time.
A quick bump- quicker I can get an answer on this the quicker I can properly get started. Smile
yes, you can move it close to the northern side of the Odai's mouth. It's not terribly important but would be nice, esp. since you are re-doing the settlement anyhow. Have fun!
Cool, I sure will. Thanks for clearing that up. Smile Once I'm finished playing RuneScape a bit, I'll work on it a bit. Wink

This time I'll make the exterior first. Then make interiors seperate esp files. That was a mistake I made last time.

This would contain pretty much the same theme and setting right? And the same NPC's as discussed for the mod? Just a different location and layout.
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