Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

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With my current esp (height mapping the Vudai Marsh), I decided to take a break from landscaping and add some of the new items. This led to me setting up two whole new interiors besides a load of NPCs and suchlike.

The one that you don't see here is a pretty damn fine little missionary Chapel at Moonmarch that makes use of Phaerus' items from the Turil Church. Go see it when my esp gets merged!

Another thing I've been working on is finally getting some carnival NPCs into Gideon. I did this because Koniption has completely revamped the Gypsy Wagon and added extra clutter for it. I was so busy I forgot to take a shot of this interior but here are some pics of the extra NPCs I added using the masks and the new Harlequin suit. My recruitable companion (with voice acting) Anaster Marrowmir is the solemn-looking Redguard on the right, temporarily wearing a Necromancer outfit until I get the Baron Samedi look sorted...
Nice job! Remember to put up the interior claims for Moonmarch when you next feel like some writing.
The colourful shirt's texture needs some work. It'll look more real if the colours are more faded, uneven and not as saturated.
Quote:Originally posted by Xae
The colourful shirt's texture needs some work. It'll look more real if the colours are more faded, uneven and not as saturated.

I agree with Xae. I think you need to tone down and "dirt-ify" the colors of that Harlequin outfit. (Besides, I think being in Gideon would have "rubbed off" on them)

Aye, my version of Photoshop is very limited. I attached the texture here if anyone wanted to take a look at it. In the meantime, I'm trying to get a copy of CS4.
Xae? You wanna do the retexture? lol... You are pretty good at such things. That is, if you are free and have time/inclination.

All I can say is, I can't do the retexture right now. I need to work on what my current projects are, first.

I'll take a look at it. I could use the mesh, too.
Quote:Originally posted by Xae
I'll take a look at it. I could use the mesh, too.

Here you go:
Cheers for that, you two. =)
Ok, I've modified the texture (see attached picture). What's the quickest way to set up a test character so that I can see how it looks in-game?
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