Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Questing
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Hello Moderators;

To help improve my skills as a modder and to help you with your mod, I was curious as to how to fix my quest problems. I am in the middle of creating a quest where you have to asassinate four men but the guy disapears before you can collect your reward. Now, when I come up to him ingame he just says the basic. (Good day, Hello etc.) When I want him to say, Greetings, I have heard of you.
I have created a quest, made it so that after you agree and ask him a few things each one adds the next topic and the last one ends convo and gives you a quest stage. But it dosn't seem to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just send me the esp via PM and I'll have a look at your dialogue, NP. Smile