Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Info on transferring TES3 models to TES4
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The following is a 3D modeller's opinion on transferring (or updating) meshes from TES3 to Oblivion, whether those are Morrowind objects converted from NIF to 3DSM, or community-made, such as the windmill we're using. I've edited it slightly from the post on another forum. I was rather thrilled when I read it, because the jist of it is that transferring meshes won't be as hard as one might think.

Quote:Geometry & lighting details are contained within the maps ie Normals, Parallax (New bump) & Specular. So for example any current Morrowind architectural models that are needed for Oblivion could be modified for Oblivion by any of the members with Max & PS (Or PSP, or Gimp). Just scale the original maps up, add a bit more detail where needed, create Normals or Parallax map with nvidia Normal Map plugin, add the maps in Max, adjust UVWs & your done. The original model can still be used... BTW there's plenty of tuts on how to make normal maps & such on the net.

The normal map technique was for existing architectural models. Of course for new character models you're best off modeling your low poly character, then copy it, subdivide it (Crank up the polygon count) & model in your wrinkles & what not, & use the high poly model for normals reference. There is a lot of good & easy to understand info on Normal mapping here:
& here's where you can grab a PDF on Parallax mapping:

To create a Specular map is even easier. Get the orignal map. Again, scale up, touch up/add extra details, desaturate to greyscale, Ctrl + I (Invert), adjust levels to suit & you have yourself a Specular map. Add it to the model with Max.

What I'm trying to say is that, all of our resources are still usable when TES4 comes around. They'll just need to be tweaked to take advantage of the new mapping capabilities & re-exported. Doesn't sound like a too big of a deal to me.