Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: SHRAC0802 "Mithril Quarry Mine" [Old discussion Deeza]
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Is that a Vanilla quest? Or an ST one?
It's a vanilla quest, one of the ones you pick up in an Inn if i remember correctly. Sandor is quite correct, it's the most basic type of "find and fetch" quest you can have.

what basically happens is you have to find and retrieve an NPC's prized potatoes, which had been stolen by an Ogre. It should be a simple quest to follow in the CS, but if you need help, don't hesitate to post. I've been making quests of my own, and i'd be happy to help with scripting, or answering questions.
Thankyou. I think I'll cross the scripting bridge when I come to it, and for now I'll get on with making the dungeon layout and decorating it.
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