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Full Version: AJRL0115 "Arnesian Jungle: Far West beta" (Completed)
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Official 'Black Marsh' Landscape Claim for Arnesian Jungle Region #15: Far West (beta)


Arnesian Jungle Region: Far West
AVAILABILITY: Completed by Ibsen's Ghost


[Image: Arnesian01.jpg]

[Image: Arn03.jpg]

[Image: Arn07.jpg]

NB: All the white cells in the picture show how each cell North of the white line must be modded.

IMPORTANT: Please take note that I have already been working on this area as you can see by the white cells at the bottom of the map. Therefore, please work from the North upwards until my own esp is merged!


Description & Details


This area of the Black Marsh: Arnesian Jungle region contains no significant features and exists mostly to enable access to the region for sampling the beta. However, the area featuring a rivers that splits three ways may be an ideal spot for a Dres camp using the tents available from Dave_91.

The Arnesian Jungle region forms the Northern edge of the Black Marsh and covers a wider expanse of land than its neighbouring jungle, the Naga-Cradle. It is more mountainous in the Western sections of the Jungle and perhaps even more dense as the various trees and flora form a more effective canopy. It is also darker and more threatening to its native species (and foreigners, for that matter). This is mainly due to the presence of invading forces from Morrowind's Arnesian border along with the prevalence of the dog-like wildlife such as Hyaenodon and Durzog. Good hunting can be achieved however by seeking out the strange deer-like Zeflon.

This region is home to some of the sacred flora of the Arnesian regions including the sunflowers and tiny Venus Fly Traps (though not dangerous). A variety of species of bamboo and palms can also be found in amongst the large splay-leafed ferns and Fatsia bushes whilst the tropical rainforest trees tower above.

Given the density of the region, it should come as no surprise that much of what the Arnesian Jungles contain is of a secretive nature. Contrary to popular belief, there are some Argonian settlements in the area, albeit either guarded by Dunmer or too difficult to reach, most notably of which being the inaccessible, mountainous section in its mid-section that borders with the Vudai Marshes which is too high in some places, skirted by quicksand in others and guarded by fearsome Hist magic in all others. This, unbeknown to most, contains the lost city of Helstrom.


At-a-glance Details


Region: Arnesian Jungle
Cell count: 24 (approx.)
Exterior cell coordinates:
SW Corner = 2,22
NW Corner = 4,28
SE Corner = 4,20
NE Corner = 1,27
Claim Size & Difficulty: Easy. Just check for floating trees and clipping.
Inhabitants: Few Argonians, some Dres and other Dunmer and plenty of jungle creatures such as Hyaenodon, Durzog and Zeflon.
Settlements in area: None although quite near to Alten Corimont.
General Info: Please maintain contact about your modding on this thread but, above all, keep posting updates by adding v1, v2, v3 etc. to the end of your files.Take note that any esps submitted must begin with BM followed by your modder initials. For me, this is BMIG (IG for Ibsen's Ghost). Then submit your final claim to this thread: Latest esm and esp updates .


Modding Directions


Download the latest bsa details here: Black Marsh Resources: Latest bsa .

Your first task is to make sure that the flora and trees are not floating above the ground or have any edges of the models showing. For the Arnesian Jungle, this is quite easy to handle with the trees. However, please check for clipping as the generation of the various items is very dense. Of most significance in this respect are: BMFloraPlant09Spray, BMJunglePalm02Wild, BMFloraBanLeafSm02 and BMFloraSunflower01.

Some watery regions may need to be emptied of trees and flora.

Try to avoid deleting items as the look should be very dense. If anything, try adding more banana leaf trees (including the other models not generated here) and don't forget that the following are best added to selected locations where the planting of some items is more selective i.e. in villages, towns and cities: BMPTOldFinger01-03, BMJunglePalm03Wild & BMDatePalmAnim1.

The following may also be added in small quantities: BMMdTreeTropical1a-e, perhaps a few Mania trees such as ManiaTree04, BMFloraSugarCane2, BMFloraSunflower02-05 & BMFloraMoonTear02.

You may alter the height map as you wish but please bear in mind that this may affect the overall look of the region besides the other adjacent cells and therefore it affects the positioning of flora and trees as you will need to alter these accordingly. You are welcome to delete objects if you feel the need (best to check though) and there are recommendations on what to add below but please bear in mind that doing so means that you will probably have to add or delete vertex shading and make appropriate choices for texturing using the surrounding texture palette.

Your main task, however, is to make this area very, very jungly!


Modding Directions: What to add


Textures - When near to the borders with other claims, please make sure that there is a smooth transition. Otherwise, please keep to the sort of patterns that you see in the generated landscape. It's best to use non-grass textures around flora and rock objects to prevent grass peeping through objects and make sure you add vertex shading! Many of the textures should be fine but please check for lines created where the total textures get overloaded. Finally, add appropriate textures to all underwater sections. If you find one (or two) perfect ones, stick with it and inform the core team.

Clutter and Flora - Much of the flora has already been added through region generation but you may decorate with the arnesian rocks and the following flora as long as it's not disproportionate: Banana Leaf, Moon's Tear, Venus Fly Trap, Sunflower, Snakehead Bolete & Sloth's Foot. You may also use some 'Old Man's Finger' mushrooms.

You will find these under the Flora\blackmarsh folder or the Static\blackmarsh\Flora folder (in the case of the Old Finger mushrooms). You will also find some mossy logs you could try using under Static\landscape.

You can also add flora fly, moths, butterflies and any other environmental effect (inc. sounds and Vacuity's falling leaf effect if we add it) that you feel is appropriate but not in such quantity as it would look odd if they suddenly stopped being there. We will be adding some environmental sounds later.

Trees - Use the Tropical trees - variety 1 (the ones with 1a-1f at the end). Keep with the other selections already given but consider taking a look other varieties such as the static BMJunglePalm models for selected locations.


Very, very useful advice


Some tricks: You can duplicate objects by selecting them and pressing Ctrl-D when you find your chosen model and then to drag them out and position them where you see fit. However, only do this if the item you are copying was originally placed by you using the same esp. Otherwise, errors occur. If this is a problem, you can use Ctrl-C instead to copy and it just needs a little more positioning.

It may help to keep track of the cells you have completed by using one of my powerpoint slides. This is basically the gridmap you see above and, to keep track, you just change the colour of a cell from its original colour to something else (like white) once you're done with it. Please ask about getting one of these documents.

Check out this thread for ideas on how it should look: Beta Landscaping Claims .

You may wish to choose a weather type or use activators such as fog or rain. Please notify a core member if planning to do so.

Otherwise, ask if you'd like to use any other models or textures. I'm sure you'll make sensible choices but it would be best to check that out by posting screenshots or offering a suggestion in this thread.


Settlements and Dungeons


The best part of landscape claims that I enjoy the most are modding the dungeons. For this, you may use the Hist Shrine exteriors which are currently being worked on and added to (see blackmarsh-architecture-shrines) along with the Mossy caves, mossy ruins and, perhaps, the dead rootworms. There is a wide selection of possible dungeons on offer, possibly also including SI ruins and caves so please ask regarding anything specific or if you think a new dungeon is needed somewhere. However, no dungeons have been outlined for this specific region as yet.

All such dungeons can be decorated with appropriate clutter on the outside or you can leave this to the dungeon modder themselves. Please note that it should be your responsibility to post up dungeon claims once the landscape claim has been submitted. Please see the core about acquiring a claims template (that which is normally written in these threads) when you wish to do so as this will help. However, I can possibly do this if I have time available.


Important Notice and Technical Information


If you decide to add a lot of one particular model, please notify on this thread the rough proportions of the extra models that you add so that it is easier for the next person who takes a landscape claim to work with you and maintain a degree of uniformity to the landscape. For example, tell us roughly how many of Koniption's bromeliads you are using per cell.

For extra help, please take a look at sandor's excellent claims descriptions on the ST site here: SHRAC05 "Steadhelm Region Area Claim" [Claimed] , particularly in the 'Technical Info' section.

Above all, make if fun for the player and have fun with the claim yourself! Wink
I have about 21 cells of this to go before all cells in the beta regions are landscaped. =)
I got plenty done today but most of it consisted of just adding items from the BSA to the CS. However, I did get some work done on Alten Corimont just inside the Arnesian Jungle border. The only problem is that I split my files and then continued to work on a separate one which means I've kind of duplicated stuff. It should be solvable but I'll have to wait for sandor's input.

In the meantime, here's the evidence:

Shots #1-5 show Alten Corimont. I'm considering lowering the tower a little so you can see the windows in the top but at the moment, it just disappers into the jungle canopy.

Shots #6-7 show the border between Arnesia, the Naga-Cradle and the Vudai Marshes. The water drains from Arnesia into the marsh, thus creating the strange, funnelled landscape of that region.

Shots #8-10 show you gradually entering the Arnesian Jungle. It's an absolute bitch to landscape as it's probably the most dense landscape I've ever worked with....but the results are pretty sweet! Take the last shot....if you imagine how it will look with LOD files then you will basically not be able to see anything for the jungle canopy, even when the land parts a little to allow for the courses of rivers.
It's so wonderfully GREEEEEN!!! :applause:

Yeah, I can see how the canopy will be dense, especially in last screenie.

Quote:Originally posted by Koniption
GREEEEEN!!! :applause:

I don't know what type of "green" you're possibly exclaiming about with that suspicious looking wink smiley - but I'm referring to the "still alive" variety!


Wow! That is just how I imagined Alten Corimont! Fantastic work!
Cool! I'm really looking forward to seeing it with the LOD in-place tbh. As good as his word, MD has indeed convinced me on the use of his jungle trees. I hadn't thought they'd work as well as they did to help with the canopy.

@ Koniption - No reference....I just liked the cry GREEEEEN!!!

I've got about 8 cells of the allotted beta selection to go (it stretches to x co-ordinate 4) but it's bloody hard-going because of the incredible density. It's probably the most time-consuming bit of landscaping I've done on BM....but it IS rewarding.
Yaaay! I just finished this.....which is all the landscaping for the beta completely done. :bananarock:

It's only a tiny strip of land but you can see what it covers here. Everything along this line (x co-ordinate 4) is now completely a little bit besides, especially in the Talu Swamps.
It... it's finally done? I never thought this day would come... Cool
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