Silgrad Tower from the Ashes

Full Version: Lost Members [in search of an awe-inspiring title]
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This could be a misc quest as well, needs the details changed then.

- The Player are tasked to find some members who don't come back. They have been tasked to defeat a large beast who was bothering a village.

- The Player visits the village, and gets directed to the place where they set up camp.

- The Player finds the site deserted, some clutter is on the campsite, but no tents nor members. The ground seems heavily disturbed and a hole in the earth is found nearby. There leads a large trail of sweeped dirt deeper in the wilderness.

- When the Player follows the trail, he will find a dead Rootworm (with possible some weapons sticking out). In the Rootworms belly, the Player will find some dead Fighters, pieces of tent and so on.

- The Player can now report back and tell about the unfortunate fellas.

So, what do you think? Wink
It's very much along the lines of our own developed lore so it's very likely this one will appear. The developed lore in question is the idea that the rootworms are dying off suddenly and there is a need to discover why that is connected with quests related to Argonian Bhuru magic. Anyway, as a standalone FG quest, this should work quite nicely. It would need to be fleshed out though.